"Weak" ⚠️

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Oj and Paper were strolling up the hill, wandering around attempting to try and get the best spot possible. It's not exactly often everyone hangs out together like this, so Oj was determined to make it as fun as possible.

It was around afternoon when they found the perfect spot and got everything set up, the food, the drinks, the (extremely oversized) blankets and the message sent out to everyone that they could come now, and they could bring their own food and drinks if desired. Oj and Paper felt confident that this picnic would be a good time to bond, and that it'd be a nice experience. They worst thing they could think of happening would be someone tumbling down the hill somewhere, or a spill. Which was good, because everyone at the hotel needed a refreshing break. Paper sat down first, and Oj followed. They then waited for their friends to arrive.


Eventually, everyone was finally here, and they had all brought their own food, and/or drinks. As eveyone was settling in, Oj noticed what everyone had brought. The Cherries had brought some different juice boxes with them, Yin-Yang had Dr. Fizz and some pudding, Soap and Microphone brought some cakes they had made, Pickle had some fruits with him, Salt and Pepper had some baked goods (with ..concering frosting designs), Fan, Test tube, and Paintbrush had more savoury- type snacks- but one thing caught Oj's eye. Trophy didn't seem to come with anyone, or bring anything besides from water. It was questionable, but Oj decided he'd leave it be, for now.

Soon enough, everyone was digging in to their food, and drinking their drinks. Oj found it rather nice, he liked to look at everyone enjoying themselves. Yin and Yang were still arguing over 'water' or, 'Dr. Fizz' - but everyone seemed quite at peace... Besides from trophy. Nickel was the first to question it, however. "Trophy? Have you had anything yet? You look a little uh- on edge there, buddy." Trophy turned to face Nickel, before just denying it and saying he definitely did have something already, and just didn't feel that hungry anymore. Oj still found it quite odd, considering that- this was Trophy. The 'tough guy' out of the bunch, the 'jock', apparently. Despite not really being that much of a 'jock', he really just had a hard shell, frankly.


Trophy felt quite nauseous, this was a picnic event- but he just couldn't bring himself to eat anything, The last time he ate he had to 'bring it back up' because he couldn't stomach it. He started feeling extra-anxious once Nickel started asking questions. He just had to lie and say he already had something- he didn't know if Nickel believed him or not- but it seemed to stop the constant questioning. Trophy really hoped this picnic would be over soon, being here just made him feel insecure, in a way. And that feeling was the absolute worst- an annoying feeling, at that.
The questioning wouldn't really stop- there was a lot of, 'Trophy are you feeling alright?' and- 'Trophy, you don't look so good..' It was stressful, to say the least. It only made everything worse. Yes, he did feel hungry, but only a little bit. He was fine. Nothing was really wrong, it was just a little bump. That's all, they didn't all need to be so concerned about every little thing. He was fine, end of story. Afterall, everyone else was enjoying the food, so he should just leave them to it, you know? His water was fine, and everyone was happy right now, so it was nothing to think too hard on.


Some people were finishing up now, like Salt and Pepper- they said they had a 'beauty appointment' , and Pickle, along with some others decided to finish up to go play some video games inside, too. The sun was setting at this point- but needless to say, Oj felt quite good. The picnic was a success, and no one went tumbling down the hill. Huge success.
Paper and Oj decided to start tidying up a little bit now- mostly everyone was getting their own stuff together now too, afterall. But Oj couldn't help but notice how Trophy was still fidgety- and he looked a bit... unwell, in a sense. Oj decided he'd talk to Trophy himself when everyone else was finished their cleaning.
"Yayy! Thank you so much, Yin. You have absolutely no idea, how much, that means to me."
"You know I'm only agreeing with you because you are constantly fighting with me about it, right?"
Yin and Yang seemed to be getting along well-, the picnic really did seem like a good idea. Oj had Paper to thank for that, too. Paper was always a good friend to keep around, Oj was very thankful for that.
A good friend.

Soon enough, everyone was gone besides from Oj, and Trophy. Oj kept Trophy behind using little tasks, or asking him for help. Now that is was just the two of them, Oj started the questions. Only small ones first, though.
"Hey, Trophy- did you have anything at all really?"
"Did you have anything to eat, at the picnic."
"Oh- uh- yeah, obviously. At the start! You - probably didn't notice."
"...Are you sure, though? I don't think anyone saw you having anything."
"Well- uh- damn, I just wasn't really that hungry, you know? Is that a crime?"
"No- I'm just saying- I haven't seen you eat at all in like- 3 days- and I manage the hotel meals with Paper, you know."
"Look, Oj- I get that that manager-brain of yours feels the need to check up on everyone all the time- but seriously, I'm fine. I'm tough, food isn't a problem to me." Trophy sounded irratated now, but Oj knew that something was wrong. Trophy hadn't been acting like himself the whole picnic- his 'know everything-strong-guy' mood vanished as soon as it started, and it was worrying. Oj didn't want to pry- but he felt he needed to.


Trophy was exhausted. Oj wouldn't stop pestering him over food, which was ridiculous. It was just food- it really wasn't that serious. Everyone else deserved the food more anyway- they went out of their way to bring it and set it all up, afterall. And Trophy wasn't weak. He may have been slightly afraid at the thought of Oj knowing about his-
food issue- at the moment, but Oj doesn't need to know everything. He took his empty water bottle, and started making his way down the hill when Oj grabbed the blankets and baskets and followed him. Really? This was just annoying now.
"Trophy, is there something you're not telling me?"
"Jeez- Oj- just back off! There's nothing you need to know, got it?"
"Trophy, when, really, was the last time you ate something? Like, a meal?"
Oh no. There it was again, that big insecurity that's been plaguing him this entire time. "None of your business." Wow, Trophy. Oj's definitely going to believe you now.
"Trophy- look. I understand that you don't like feeling 'weak'- but you'll just be weaker if you don't tell anyone how you feel. Trust me, I get if you don't want to talk now- but I know something's up. And my door is always open- so please, just tell someone how you feel, alright? You may be a bit.. tough, but you're a good guy, Trophy."
He didn't know what to say. Someone, interested about his feelings? Maybe... maybe he could tell Oj. Not now, not today. But, he'll consider telling him.
"... Uh- Thanks, I guess. I'll consider it.."

The air felt lighter after he said that, maybe he really should talk to Oj. He seems.. nice enough. Maybe. Ugh- this mushy stuff made Trophy cringe.
"Good, now, how 'bout we get inside? it's starting to get cold, right?"
Maybe Trophy made a new friend.

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