"Mischievious-Mysterious" ⚠️

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The bushes and trees would usually be the most obvious place to sneak around and hide in, but Taco didn't feel in the mood.
Bushes were annoying and pesky most of the time, leaves and branches sticking everywhere- it was a real pain.

After her 'talk' with Mic, she started to realise how badly she screwed up. She had such an opportunity to learn, to make friends, but that didn't happen.
It's not like she wanted friends, anyway.
They're just revolting little animals that follow you around and slow you down, like... Pickle, and Mic.
And Mephone.
The three of them were gullible enough to believe her, but the more she thinks about them, the more she thinks that...
Should she have been friends with them?
What if she never lied to them? Would things have turned out differently?
Would things have been better?
When Lightbulb and Test tube opened that time-portal, she wondered ...
What if she just went in? What if she just had another chance? A simple, restart button, if you will.

Her family would've been proud of her, then.
Maybe she could've won, and got the million.
But now there was no undoing anything she did.
She ruined all of her chances, at friendship, at winning...
She could've been able to prove her mother wrong.

But she couldn't exactly leave. This was an island, only way out would be by boat, and it's not like she has one.
Shame she didn't... have friends to help her.
But she didn't need help.
She could still stay- she could still do things, she could be helpful still, even if she was just,
behind the scenes, a bit.
No, obviously she didn't miss Pickle, those letters were just .. feeble attempts at.. regaining.. trust for.. intel.
She didn't care about Mic, she just wanted that 500,000.
Nothing they did together meant anything, none of the talks they had in the mine meant anything.
She didn't feel bad for Mephone, she just needed another chance. Another opportunity.
She didn't want to actually bring his friends back at all. He was sad.
.... But was that true..?
She felt like turning her brain off, unfortunately enough though, she couldn't.
No matter how guilty she felt. No matter how much she felt like running off to the Hotel in tears begging them to let her in.

She didn't need friends. She never needed friends.
They were all a waste of time, and they just slowed down her progress.
She didn't want any. Everyone else sucked, simple as that.
Even if she maybe wanted someone to treat her like Pickle or Mic did, just a little bit, she didn't need thise creatures called 'friends.'
Not like she deserved them anyway.
She's done many things that have injured her reputation insanely.
Even murder, basically.
Yes, Test tube and Fan turned out fine, but she literally shot them.
Yes, it was for a good cause, but...
But what if she just listened to Mic?

Would she have gained a friend?

What if she was just honest from the start, from the very start,
would she be sleeping in Hotel Oj right now?
Would she have friends?
She likes to think about having picnics with Pickle sometimes, or having nice long talks with Mic again.
Or even how nice it would've felt reuniting Mephone with his little host-friends.
His host friends.. That ... Mepad, wasn't it?
Was he alive?
Was he repaired properly?
He wasn't where she left him, so he probably just.. left?
And hopefully wasn't.. stolen.
Would she still have a chance to reunite Mephone with his friends if she found them ?
Surely, the Toilet would be easy to bring back. He seemed like a major fanboy, above and beyond.

As she walked through the wooded area, she realised she was getting too deep in her thoughts again.
It's not like she's admitting she wants friends.
It's not like she's saying she wants friends, she definitely doesn't.
But no one can hear her own thoughts, only her.

She liked to imagine stories, sometimes.
Where she'd be having a picnic with Pickle talking about something stupid, and then Mic joining in.
And Mephone getting to see his friends again with her help.
Where she'd sleep inside Hotel Oj in the nice, warm beds with the lights off, snuggled inside the sheets.
A reality where she'd get to live a normal life.
Where she had friends.

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