"A party" #1

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Everyone was relaxing in the main lobby, all for the same reason. They were awaiting the arrival of someone, apparently. Every one of them received a text, to meet in the main room. They were all quite confused, asking questions about who sent the text- and wondering why they're there when suddenly- Microphone and Paper burst through the doors - and suddenly announced; "IT'S OJ'S BIRTHDAY!! AND HE FORGOT!!!"
Suddenly, everyone was on their toes and asking what to do. Eventually, they all agreed on a surprise party, - and there will be groups that plan each different part of the party. Such as, one group organises the decorations, one group organises the music- ecetera.

Paper told everone they only have a few hours- because Paper will be going on a roadtrip with Oj until the parties organised, so he won't be at the hotel for a while.
Everyone was immediately volunteering for different things- but Paper organised it to- "Whoever wants to do this, stand there." And then they'd sort it out afterward.
And so it began.

"DECO-" Yang was cut off by Balloon slapping a hand over their mouth.
"Uh- I'll be fine with doing the food stuff. And you will too- RIGHT Baseball?", "Uh- Yeah- sure."
"You know- it'd be extremely fitting to have me, microphone- do the music-", "But I wanted to do the music!?", "I thought we agreed fan and Soap would?" "Plans CHANGE, you guys-" Paper was getting more agitated as time went on. No one seemed to agree. On ANYTHING. He decided he'd take matters into his OWN hands.
"GUYS. Listen, this is Oj's birthday, yes? And you want this to be nice for HIM, yes? then please, quit the arguing- and I'll sort you guys' groups MYSELF."
Everyone was stunned. Some wanted to object- but no one really wanted to object against Paper when it came to planning and organising. So everyone just stood silently in their places, awaiting their role to be given to them.
"Alright.. First the music- AND- if anyone interrupts me, you'll be going under the stairs-" And as he said that, in came Lightbulb and Suitcase. "Soz you guyss! We're a bit late- what's uh- goin on in here-?" "Are we... uhm.. interrupting something..?"

All Paper could do was sigh. This was going to take a while. Oj was still packing and getting ready for the roadtrip. Paper knew a roadtrip would be the smart choice- Oj loves them, and he takes packing quite seriously. He also says it feels the least like a vacation, while being a vacation- so it's the obvious choice of distraction.

Once Paper had everyone standing, he began going through his notes and sorting out the groups.

"Alright, so-" As Paper was about to announce the groups - Marshmallow and Apple strolled in. "Are you actually... you know what- stay there guys I need to rewrite teams and check attendance."

When Paper came back, he walked into a conversation Marshmallow and Apple were having with everyone else about 'the purgatory mansion' and 'ghost bow'?
But, he had the teams now. And soon everyone was back up again ready to be sorted.

"AHEM. Now, that everyone's here...? Yes, I'll sort you guys. Okay so- the people who'll be deciding on the music and playlists played at the party are.. Microphone, Balloon, Fan, Lightbulb and Paintbrush. No, you guys don't get a say in this unless it's a serious issue."
"Oh- well damn. OMGA! Painty! You're on my teamm!" Lightbulb seemed quite happy about her placement, though. And no one else really said anything. Even though the look on some peoples faces said everything.
"Okay- now, those of you who will be doing the decorations are, Salt, Pepper, Soap, Test tube and Nickel."
Nickel was the first one to talk. "What?? Paper, come on. You can't do that. That's cruel, man."
Paper didn't give Nickel the satisfaction of a response, and instead sighed, loudly.
"Okay.. and for food and drinks, Baseball, Cheesy, Cherries, YinYang, and Pickle."
"Okay... but Paper, was putting YinYang on the food and drinks group a good idea-", Baseball tried to ask, anxiously, but was shut down instantly with a loud, "SHH." From Paper.
"The Gift organisation team will be, Marshmallow, Apple, Suitcase, Tissues and Bomb."
"No objections? Thank you, really. Now, our back up security in case something goes wrong- whether it be the groups or Oj coming here- will be Knife and Trophy. I trust you guys enough to not let everything go horribly wrong?"
Trophy replied with a confident, 'of course you can trust us' monologue. "Now- I uh- need to go now- I'll text whenever Oj and I are on our way back. I'll keep you guys updated, he's probably almost done now, anyway. Now, get into your groups and start planning now please."
And with that, Paper ascended up the stairs. "AND PLEASE, ACT NORMAL AND GIVE HIM A GOOD PARTY." He called down one last time.

And with that, everyone was left to their own devices.


"Okay guys, I think my judgment should be trusted here, considering- I am the music ya know, since I'm a microphone-" "Yes, we really get it. But this is supposed to be a group, a team. So please, let's just work together for once..? Please?" Microphone and Paintbrush started off the discussion with the same old 'teamwork' debate, meanwhile Lightbulb pulled out her phone and started hitting some buttons- not participating in the conversation at all.
Balloon - halfway through the discussion- took a look at Lightbulb's phone and joined her in the screen-tapping instantly.
"I'm telling you- just let me be in charge Paintbrush! I got this-", "Mic- Have you not learned ANYTHING from Inanimate Insanity? Working as a team ends up better, so please - will you just-"
"Can we use the rickroll song in the playlist?"
Everyone's heads turned to look at Fan, who stood there innocently. "I was just thinking- imagine if we could rickroll everyone." It was silent for a moment, before their heads nodded in agreement, then Lightbulb and Balloon showed the phone screen- on it was a playlist of songs usually played at parties- and songs that Oj would like. And with that, the Music group was a success.


"Okay.. we're not like- being biased or like- anything, but you should really let Pepper and I be in charge of the decorations.", "Yeah! I like, totally agree. Like, it just makes sense! Like, we have skill in that area. And we know the guy likes orange- we swear there'll be no pink.", "Yeah- what she like- said." Salt and Pepper were immediately taking charge, but Test tube seemed completely in her own world, probably looking at her 'inner-circle' group of friends in the music group. Nickel just gave a nod and rolled his eyes, "Sure, I couldn't really care less." Salt and Pepper then looked hopefully towards Soap. "... Are you asking for my opinion? I mean, as long as they're clean it's- it's fine." And with that- The Decorations group was just fine.


The rest of the group tuned out Yin and Yang's constant battling, and put their heads together. When Cheesy suddenly spoke. "Hey- Wouldn't it be funny, if-", "Most likely not." Pickle replied before the statement was even made. The first person to make some suggestions was Baseball. "How about.. we just look in the kitchen, figure out what Oj'd like best- and then do something related to that, wouldn't that be... logical?" The group nodded, then the Cherries added in, "Can the drinks be Dr. Fizz, water, AND juice boxes? a variety would be interesting, definitely." The group smiled contently, and agreed. Earning a few "Yay's" from Yin & Yang.


"O-o-okay so, t-the l-lo-logical thing to do is- look f-for the best s-spots in the house- to - to put the gifts- and hope that it'll make them l-look nice?"
Bomb was the first with an idea, that everyone seemed quite on-board with. Then suitcase added on, "Should we just get orange wrapping paper?", "That- ahem- seems like a good idea, Suitcase..."
"Apple? Marsh? Do you guys agree-", Appple and Marshmallow were busy doing their own thing, so they just nodded. And that was that.

"So... This is .. fun." Mumbled Trophy, in a tone of sarcasm. "Right..." Agreed Knife. They watched as everyone set out to get their stuff- or moved around the the room and hotel to decorate it accordingly.

An hour or two later, Knife and Trophy received the text that Oj would be back soon- so now it was the security team's time to shine.
Trophy immediately jumped up onto a table moved in from the kitchen and yelled, "CODE ORANGE! I REPEAT, CODE ORANGE!"
Everyone stood silently, with puzzled looks on their faces. Knife then stepped in, "He means Oj's on his way with paper." And everyone immediately started going ballistic, checking the decorations, and the food - drinks, ecetera. Making sure everything was perfect.

What could go wrong now? The groups were a success, the planning was fine, now it was just time to celebrate.

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