"Bonding and building"

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"We're just here to.. talk, I guess."
Microphone felt like she could trust Soap.
She had noticed her outside of her rooms window alone, and decided to go and say hello. Marshmallow had decided to come, too.

"Talk? About what?" Soap questioned, Microphone settled further into her place on the grass and replied, "Just.. anything. I mean, we haven't really.. talked, in a while. Just, you know. Talked."
Marshmallow sat peacefully with her legs criss-crossed, eyeing the beautiful sunset in the distance.
"Well.. You're not wrong, but I mean, there isn't exactly, much to talk about. I could ramble about cleaning, but that'd just be.. y'know, 'just Soap', right?" Microphone frowned at that remark. Had someone said that to Soap before?
It wasn't true.
"Hey- now, don't say that! Sometimes your cleaning-talk can be.. informing! And educational!" Microphone cheered, Marshmallow joining, "Yeah, I mean, sometimes it's.. a bit weird, but it's still cool you're knowledgeable, you know?"
Soap glanced at the both of them, smiling sweetly.
"Awh, that's really sweet. But, I do think cleaning wouldn't be.. the most interesting conversation topic.. for you guys- ehe."

Microphone was about to argue back against that, when the noise of a phone ringing could be heard,
Marshmallow stood quickly, taking out her phone, "Oh, uhm, sorry to cut this short but I'm... getting called. Gotta go, have fun, though!"
Microphone and Soap watched as Marshmallow quickly jogged back in the direction of the Hotel, holding the phone to her head.
"Well...", Mic started, "Even if it's not other people's thing, it's still interesting to... you, so that makes it cool."
Soap looked at Microphone before turning away and sinking further into the grass, "Ha- well.. that's really sweet of you. I don't think we've really had the chance to talk since my... elimination, from the show, and being able to 'just chat' like you said, it's really nice."
Microphone leaned back a bit, grinning, "Yeah, it is."
She never thought, when she first joined, Soap would be one of her good friends. On the plane to the show, Soap was one of the most annoying people there, always yelling about everyone being unhygienic and such. But now, she really...grew, from what she used to be, at least.

Microphone felt like she could trust Soap. Microphone thought a bit before asking,
"Hey, wanna go get a drink, or something? I think the Hotel got a new vending machine installed."
Soap perked up and smiled, "Yeah, that'd be nice. But... I'm having water." She laughed.


Paper had been more open, since.. the whole marriage thing. Oj had been, too. It really felt like home being with eachother.
Although, sometimes managing together wasn't as 'romantic' as Oj had said it'd be. They were like an old married couple trying to control a group a children, and it was an utter nightmare.
But sometimes, there'd be days like this. For some reason, everyone was actually getting along with eachother.
That didn't happen very often.
When Oj had stepped out of the elevator earlier that morning, a few of the things he noticed, was that, the lights were on, Soap was humming, there wasn't any glass shattering, and no one was yelling.

Oj thought he was still dreaming, until Paper tapped his glass lightly, asking him if he were alright. Oj had shifted, and made the excuse that he was just tired.
And now, everything was even better. He had heard the cherries accidentally messed up something with one of the sinks, and Salt and Pepper were trying to fix it with Bow's guidance?Although no one dared to mention it was the Cherries that messed that sink up, still.
That sounded fictional in itself.
Then, Paper had made a comment on how the Cherries, Yinyang, Tissues and Bomb were all solving a JIGSAW puzzle together. And were actually making progress.
A few other residents hung around with eachother, in new groups or duos, and actually didn't come at eachother's throats.
Oj had to pinch himself a few times and count his fingers just to make sure it was all real- and it was.

Earlier aswell, Mephone had mentioned he was 'going out', but Oj had the feeling it wasn't anything endangering this time, so he had just accepted it, really. There wasn't supposed to be any rain soon, either. So he just let him go with no issue.
He had been a little skeptical of his well-being since the whole.. episode, when the Meeple interview had come on the TV, but everything seemed fine.
The priest, or well, the Rubix cube, had also left with no bother.
The day felt surreal, extremely surreal.
But since everybody was busy, and actually behaving...
He had free time to spend with Paper.
When he repeated that to himself in his head, it sounded better every time.
Free time was something Oj rarely had. Running a Hotel, with these specific residents, was always an, 'around the clock' type of job. Never a break. He only had Paper's assistance, and Paper couldn't even handle it most days.
But now, Oj actually had time to spend.

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