"Secret-Keeping" ⚠️(?)

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Paper woke up feeling exhausted, like he never slept a wink. The fight with Oj last night was still taking it's toll.
He flipped around and slammed down hard on his alarm clock he'd recently bought, almost breaking it in the process.
Paper hated mornings. Especially this one.
Last night wasn't the best, and neither was his sleep. Having a slight nightmare about what happened with his 'evil Paper' self, and being unable to wake up, was not fun.

He pulled the sheets off of himself as he sat up slowly.
He wondered if he should talk to Oj...
Maybe he was a little bit too harsh last night? He wanted to state his opinion on the whole matter but he didn't want to come off as.. arrogant and dismissive. Maybe at the time, having Mephone in the Hotel would've been nerve wracking, especially after everyone figuring out he'd been snooping around with Taco.
Perhaps, he should apologise next time he sees Oj, it'd be the right thing to do. And the Hotel needs the both of them to work together, that's the goal of this whole establishment, afterall.

He stood up and stretched before making his way to his bathroom.
He looked like a mess...
Deciding he wasn't in the mood for a shower this early-, he turned on the sinks tap and washed his face instead, even though cold water in the mornings was absolutely not his thing at all. And he had to be super careful, considering he was literally paper.

After exiting the bathroom he turned to his closet and grabbed the first ring he saw, an orange one. 'Ironic', he thought to himself.
He twisted the doorknob and walked outside of his room to the sight of a Yin-Yang vs Trophy arm wrestling competition on one of the tables.
It was definitely going to he a long, long day.

Lightbulb was up, and early, too.
Last night was a whole bunch of chaos to say the least, and not the enjoyable fun kind, more like the 'scary evil' kind.
Yesterday in general was quite the day, anyway.
She just wanted to go shopping with her besties, not just stand there and let said 'besties' get harassed.
She figured she should check up on them whenever she can later today.
They were always the kind to get up later than the average person, which was difficult for Lightbulb, considering she's the only one from her friend group that's an early-bird.

The morning didn't start off too bad though- a nice 'hello' from Baxter, and the faint aroma of cookies was in the air. She wondered who was making them- cookies aren't usually an everyday morning snack, afterall.
So definitely not Paper or Oj-
Maybe, one of her friends woke up early and decided to make them?
Painty never once has woken up early, so they can be crossed out.
Aswell as Test tube and Fan, they dislike cookies. They're more.. ice-cream gals.
Tissues couldn't bake, same as Yin-Yang, Microphone, Tissues, Cherries and Cheesy. They've never baked a day in their life- at least, not to her extreme knowledge.
Balloon and Suitcase wouldn't make cookies this early, Lightbulb heard them complain about how sugar in the mornings, 'messed you up.'
Nickel and Baseball were always super-duper busy in the mornings doing whatever it is they do, and as far as her knowledge went, Apple and Marshy went back to the purgatory mansion.
Bomb wasn't trusted in the kitchen.
Pickle and Knife always playef video games to wake themselves up- ans Salt and Pepper said candy and sweets would 'ruin their perfect pearly whites.'
And Trophy exercised outside at this time.

That just about crosses everyone out- to her displeasure. Maybe she was just smelling things- her brain was quite silly at times.
She decided she was too tired to walk downstairs, so she took the painfully torturous elevator instead.

Once she made it downstairs, her theories were proved correct. Pickle and Knife gaming, most people sitting or standing idly and tiredly, and no cookies being made.
She just sighed in disappointment and walked over to Knife and Pickle, "Hey bros, watcha playing this fine mornin'?"
They were, apparently, both surprised by her sudden appearance and died simultaneously in the video game, which Pickle was unhappy about.
"Oh- hi, Lightbulb. Didn't see ya there. Street fighter."
Lightbulb thought she heard of that before- but in truth, she didn't really pay much mind to the game. She wanted to know if she was smelling things or not.
"Well, coolio. But, is it just me orrr-," she whipped her head around quick, "Do you guys smell some tasty treats?"
Pickle was dragged out of his rage quitting quite fast when she mentioned that. "Oh? Do you mean like.. cookies, or something?"
Lightbulb lit up, "Yeah! That, I thought I was smellin' some stuff that wasn't there- but now that I got your amazing account, I can go find 'em. Thanks, my amigo-!"
Knife and Pickle looked at eachother for a moment before just resuming the game.

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