seven of spades

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Your two days in solitude pass rather fast, and before you know it, you're off hunting for a game venue again.

Not only is spending so much time on your own lonely, but it's boring. You've stocked up your apartment with as much medication and first aid supplies as you could find, and you've got enough canned food to last you for a year at this rate. 

Shopping had been kind of fun at first. You got to browse through stores that you would normally write off immediately and try on things that were so incredibly soft to touch, but it was dampened by the fact that there's really nowhere to wear expensive pieces like these, not in a place like this. Instead, you end up picking some more practical items, like warm coats and sweaters and some nice cargo pants. And while that's still nice, the looming fact that you're shopping for the apocalypse dampens the experience. 

You still got some nice things, but it sort of lost its touch rather quickly. You pick up some other things that you think could be useful, like some small backpacks, and even grab a set of kitchen knives- maybe having some weapons is a good idea. 

One of those knives sits in your small backpack now as you adventure out to find your next game venue. The sun has gone down now and lights are starting to appear in the distance, signifying the places you need to go to risk your life in order to survive for a few more days. 

"Where do I..." you trail off, pausing in the middle of the street to look over your options.

There's not many. You can't see much from here, but you can see the jets of light shooting up into the sky. The closest one is... somewhere off to your right. That's where you'll go.

You find yourself at the entrance to a baseball stadium.

You were aware that the city had a sports team; you'd never been inclined to go watch a game yourself. But the light pouring from the entrance provides a certain incentive you'd never had before, and you find yourself wandering inside.

It's massive. Lines and lines of empty seats, empty vendor stands. The other thing that isn't empty is the field: you can see some people standing on the mound in the middle of the baseball diamond. You sigh to yourself, muttering "here goes nothing" as you make your way to the field.

Hoping over the fence to get onto the turf just feels... wrong. Illegal. You're not supposed to be on this side of it all. As you walk towards the center of the field, where there's a small crowd beginning to form, you glance around at the empty stadium, suddenly feeling very small. Is this what the players feel like every time they're out here? Small? Insignificant?

You wander closer to the group, trying to see if you recognize anyone. A few people turn to look at you as you draw close, but none of them look familiar. You see the standard small podium, piled with small devices, and you cut through the group to take one.

It beeps out your name, announcing facial recognition. You turn around and back off, joining the semicircle of people.

"What are we even doing here?" someone complains.

A first timer. Maybe you could explain this to them, like Hange explained it to you? No, they probably wouldn't believe you. You didn't believe them until you saw the game firsthand. 

Maybe you can wait for that, then. Wait for the game to start. Help someone out.

You scan the group again. You're desperate to find someone you know, someone that's easy to trust, because it's hard being by yourself. And new people shouldn't count- you'd trusted Levi scarily easily, and it's not safe for you to do that.

Your eyes land on a red head of hair, and you frown. Wait a second...

You've never seen her before- at least, you think. But she looks familiar. She's short with red hair tied in pigtails, and she's talking to a taller man that you had glanced past at first, but now, you feel like you've seen him before too. He's got light brown hair and he's nodding at the girl with a small smile.

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