four of diamonds

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The drive is painfully quiet.

It's a group of five of you. You, Levi, the blonde woman from Zeke's circle of friends- Annie, was that her name?- and two others, Jean (whom you met earlier) and a girl who keeps bickering with Jean.

Annie's driving and Levi's in the front seat next to her, eyes locked on the road. You lucked out by avoiding a middle seat, but with how much the other two are squabbling, you almost wish you could've been locked into the trunk. God, you wish you weren't here at all. You've technically got one more day on your visa- you don't have to be here. You don't have to do this.

But the strategy is sound. You'd much rather go into an unknown game with others to work with than to go into one alone. Unless it's the seven of hearts- or the six of diamonds. Or whatever else was out there.

You try to remember Zeke's wall. He was missing a few, but the one that stood out the most was the ten of hearts.

Ten of hearts. God, you hope you don't have to do that one.

Your eyes shift back to Levi again. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Just ignore him and move on. You messed up and you have to deal with that. Honestly, it'd be a lot easier if you could just avoid him. Maybe you can tell Zeke to separate you two from now on.

"Hey, what's your specialty?"

You blink. Then, you realize the pair next to you have stopped arguing and are looking at you. "What, sorry?" you manage.

"Specialty," Jean repeats. "Out of the four. My best is spades."

"That's a lie," the girl interrupts. "If it was, you'd be able to beat me in a race, and I'd bet money that you can't."

"Fine! Fine, clubs, then."

The girl grins in triumph. She's got dark brown hair and freckles, and when she grins, she looks like she could be plotting your downfall. "Better. I'm hearts. Ymir, by the way," she says, waving at you. "And the idiot in the middle is Jean."

"We've met," you say with a small nod.

He nods in return. "How the hell I got stuck in the middle seat, I'll never know," Jean grumbles.

"It's because you're a little bitch, Jean."

"Screw you, Ymir! God, why'd I have to get stuck on one of these with you," he groans, head thumping against the seat's headrest. "My last one was with Marco and that was easy. Walk in the park."

Ymir's lip curls. "As if I enjoy this."

"You two know each other?" you get out.

They both shake their heads. "Met two weeks ago," Jean offers. "Hatred at first sight."

"For fuck's sake," Levi grumbles from the front seat. Annie's quiet.

"You two know each other?" Ymir asks, pointing between you and Levi. "Obviously, since you came together. With Zeke's kid brother, right?"

Levi doesn't turn around. You don't even know what to say, which bothers you, since you don't really enjoy being lost for words. "Yeah," you say, and you leave it at that. "What do you mean, specialty?"

"Like, which one you're best at. Annie's is spades," Jean explains. "How about you? Or- Levi, was that your name?"

"Keep talking and this car's going to get a lot more spacious," Levi grumbles.

Your lips twitch involuntarily. "If you couldn't tell by the immediate threat of violence, his is spades," you say. You try to think: which suit is your best one? Obviously not spades. Can you really claim diamonds or hearts when you've only done one of each? "Not sure about mine. Clubs, maybe."

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