four of clubs

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You and Levi are all over the place over the six days between your last game and your next one.

He goes from being weirdly thoughtful to being annoyed with you at the drop of a hat. Like the night he moved into your room, mattress set up at the foot of your bed. That was sweet. And then the next day, with Eren passed out on the couch, he's bitching at you for being too trusting again. What even is it with him?

You genuinely can't tell if he likes you or not. You think he tolerates you at this point- he has to, considering he's still here after your insistence on helping Eren out. But he's been tolerating a lot more of you than he's seemingly okay with tolerating, given how much he's complaining.

But now he's sleeping in the same room as you, at the foot of your bed. Complaining about you, but then trying to help you at the same time. Does he trust you? He must, right? Probably not, if you're honest. You wish you could pry open his skull and see what he was thinking.

At the very least, Eren seems to be doing better. He's started eating, at least ("He's eating all our food." "For the love, Levi, we have enough to go around.") and he's been much more responsive. Enough for you to know that he's got plenty of days on his visa and he's not actively dying.

You sort of hate that you have to work on your timeline. You're the one with the expiring visa; you're the reason that you and Levi have to attend games. You know he does it voluntarily, but still. You feel bad enough.

But the problem arises on the day you have to leave, and Eren seems to want to come with you.

"You said you're going to a game tonight, right?" he asks you both when Levi gets back from a quick solo run. "I want to come with you."

Levi scoffs. "Yeah, right."

Eren scowls. "Oh, come on. You don't have to look after me or anything, I just- I want to be useful."

"You've got an extra day," you say, fussing with some dishes in your kitchen. "You should take it. I'm the only one that needs to be risking my life tonight."

"So Levi's visa isn't up today? But he's going with you."

Eren's pointing at Levi now, who looks dangerously close to grabbing Eren's finger and snapping it. Why he always looks so ready for violence, you'll never know. "He doesn't have to," you say with a shrug, glancing at Levi.

He shoots you a weird look. "We've had this conversation."

"Don't want to have it again," you agree.

"I'll just come for this one," Eren insists, standing up from the couch. He's been a bit more active the past few days, sure, but not much in the way of physical activity. You're half-expecting him to collapse. "Then I'll get out of your hair. I'm super grateful for you both helping me, but I should get going."

"Oh," Levi says. "Sure. Come."

You scowl at him. "Hang on," you say weakly, pointing a spatula at Levi and then at Eren. "It's alright. You went through a lot."

A dark cloud seems to come over Eren's face and you regret your words almost immediately. "I have to," he says, his voice solemn. "Or else they died for nothing. They gave their lives up for me- I have to beat the game. I have to."

Levi shoots you a glare as if to say thanks a lot for bringing that up and you glare right back at him, hoping it translates to fuck off.

"After," Eren says, a bit more hope gathering into his tone, "I think I'm going to look for the group at the Beach."

Both you and Levi straighten up. "You know about that?" Levi asks.

"Yeah. Someone at the game in the apartment- the tag game we were in," Eren adds, "he told us about it because apparently that's where my half-brother is. He recognized me or something. The guy didn't make it out of the game, so I didn't get much more than that. All I know is that my half-brother's there and it's somewhere out on the coast."

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