interlude: soulmates

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It's Monday somewhere... xoxo


"What the hell happened with you and Levi?"

You blink, closing your book and squinting into the sun as you try to identify who's talking to you. "Hange," you realize, and you sit up straight. "What do you mean?"

Hange plops themselves down on the foot of your beach chair. You curl your legs up to make space for them, book tucked into your lap with your finger jammed between the pages to keep the page you were on. "You said you got here with Levi," they say, pointing across the pool. "So I thought you were close."

You follow their point. Levi's standing in the shade, once again in jet black swim trunks but this time with a light grey zip-up hoodie that's undone. Christ, keeping his abs on display like that should be illegal.

He's talking to Erwin, which is a bit strange to you. You didn't realize that he'd have any interest in talking to other people here. "Okay," you say, looking back to Hange. "So you just assumed."

"Oh, no no no, sweetheart. I went and talked to Eren and he told me that the two of you took him in. That you were working together!" Hange crosses their arms. "So you two were a team. You trusted each other."

There's that stupid little word again: trust. You swallow hard. "Okay. And?"

"You two haven't said a word to each other! And you went out of your way to avoid him the other day!"

Hange doesn't sound mad about it- mostly curious. And you wish you had a succinct answer for them, an answer that you could get out in just a sentence or two that doesn't require you opening up a whole can of worms.

"We're not really on talking terms," is what you come up with. "That's all."

"Oh. Is there drama?!" Hange leans in. "I'm always down for a good gossip session."

Your lips twitch involuntarily. "No. We both just need..." your eyes flicker to him, then back to Hange. "Space. Just need some space."

"Space from?..."

You stare at them stupidly. Isn't it obvious? "...Each other?"

They frown. Then, their eyes light up. "Ah! So you've just spent so much time together over the past few weeks out of necessity for survival and now you can finally take a break."

...Sure. "Yes," you say, nodding. "That's it."

"That doesn't feel extreme enough to be 'not really on talking terms'."

You shrug. "Eh."

Hange stares for a moment, then sighs. They push off your beach chair. "Alright, alright. You want a mimosa? I want a mimosa."

They charge off in the direction of the bar, and you can see them hold two fingers up to the bartender, so you think you're getting a mimosa regardless. You sigh to yourself, your eyes subconsciously shifting back to where Levi and Erwin are talking in the shade.

Huh. The conversation seems to be serious, but then again, you've never known Levi to have anything other than a serious expression on his face. 

You wonder what they're talking about. What could they possibly have to talk about?

God, you're supposed to meet up with him at sunset. You're not sure if that's a good idea.

But then Hange returns with two mimosas, you move quicker than you ever have in your life to get your book out of the way when they accidentally spill some, and you try to push Levi Ackerman to the back of your mind for the time being.

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