interlude: the beach

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The resort is massive.

It's to be expected, of course, but you have a hard time containing your awe as you're led through the hallways. You've never been anywhere quite this fancy in your life: an abundance of chandeliers, beautiful couches and décor, expensive paintings lining the hallways. 

When Zeke had gestured for you and Levi to follow him, you'd realized rather quickly that this wasn't an offer so much as a demand. While most of the people around the pool had gone back to what they were doing, a few people stayed focused on Zeke, Eren, you, and Levi. Now, it's almost like you're being... escorted into the resort.

Zeke leads the back with one arm around Eren's shoulders. He's wearing a robe that someone else had handed him- something long and vibrant. Eren, with his backpack retrieved and around his shoulders, is showing Zeke something- you think it's his cards. "Great job," you think Zeke is saying, but Eren's expression is pained.

Besides the four of you, there's four others. One is on your right but trying to make an effort to be next to Zeke- he's got brownish hair in a bowl cut and keeps shooting you and Levi glares over his shoulder. The other three are more neutral: a blonde girl with sunglasses and her lips set in a frown, a blond man that's built like a pro wrestler wearing a black Hawaiian shirt, and a tall brunet man that keeps looking between the two of them. You don't recognize anyone.

Walking in silence isn't for you, though. "You have power?" you ask, looking up to one of the many chandeliers overhead.

"Yeah," Zeke calls over his shoulder, releasing his grip on Eren. "We've got a huge store of propane tanks. Powers everything: rooms, the movie theatre, even the lazy river."

"Seems like a waste," Levi says casually.

He shrugs. "Well, we'd rather live in the present than prepare for a future that most of us might not be around for. Makes sense, don't you think?"

He's the only one speaking. The other four just keep walking, two of them behind you and the other two on either side of you. You feel surrounded. Caged in. Your playing cards- all six of them- feel heavy in your pocket. 

The bowl cut man steps in front of Zeke and Eren to shove open two massive doors. The sign out front reads conference room, but someone's written over it to say VIPS ONLY. 

You glance at Levi. He's glaring daggers at the back of Zeke's head.

"And here we are," Zeke announces, and you nearly flinch when the blond man slams the door once everyone's inside. "You can drop your bags."

You'd rather not. Your fingers close around your backpack strap.

Zeke turns, hands clapped together. He's smiling. "That wasn't a suggestion."

A hand seizes the top of your bag. You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from crying out in surprise. But you're outnumbered, and your options are painfully limited, so you just shrug your shoulders and shake your bag off. The blonde woman is the one that takes it and sets it at the back of the room- to be rifled through later, you're sure.

You look to Levi; he's let his bag go without a struggle. But he's tense: jaw locked, shoulders pulled back, shifting from foot to foot. He's prepared for confrontation.

Shit. Is he going to fight someone? You hope it doesn't come to that.

"There we go, isn't that better?" Zeke says cheerfully, looking to Eren. Eren's looking slightly less enthusiastic than before; his smile is forced. He gave his bag away without question. "Now, I'm sure you have lots of questions. Right?"

Yes. Yes, you have tons. You look back to Levi again- you can't help it- but he doesn't look like he's going to say anything.

Zeke frowns. "No?"

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