•Chapter Five

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"Here?" You tried wiping down but he shook his head.
"No no. There. just a bit away." You immediately moved your finger but he shook his head again. He sighed, coming closer to you as his thumb made contact with your lower lip.
He slowly wiped the ice-cream off your lip, he paused for a

moment staring deep into your eyes and then backed away cleaning his thumb with a tissue.
"Now it's good." He said
"T-thanks." Fuck. You mentally cursed for stuttering.
"You're welcome." He smiled.

You both spent a couple of hours there with Jihye, bidding your good-byes with them, and then you went home.
You did your routine and sat on your bed, dialling your Boss's number. You had a talk with him regarding your job and he said that you can join back anytime you want.

You happily squealed as now you could finally have a job where you can get some time for yourself!!!! Sheesh! Now you can actually study while managing everything. Though the salary of a babysitter won't be that much but, still you were happy that At Least your busy life would be less busier. Hehe.
You quickly texted Namjoon and Fell in a deep slumber with a huge smile.

Next Day, you woke up and immediately took a bath.
Today was the day you were going to meet Namjoon. It was quite exciting since you could actually start your job from today itself.
After a ride of almost 15 minutes you reached Kim's Place.

You walked inside the Mansion and were immediately greeted by A servant. She bowed at you as you did the same.
"Are you Ms.Min y/n?" She asked as you nodded,
"Lemme take you to Sir." She led the way to the living room and left.

"Oh y/n. You are here." Namjoon smiled, taking off his specs.
"Hello!" You said as he chuckled.
"You don't need to be so formal y/n. Come sit" he gestured to you to sit on the sofa across from him.

"So y/n. Jihye is currently at her school. She goes to school at around 9:00 am and comes back by um 2:00 pm. I'll drop her off at school, you just have to pick her up and then take care of her till I come home. I usually come home at 7:8:00 pm .. and then your shift will end. I guess that's pretty much it." He explained.

"Also, you can bring your books here and study with Jihye. Jihye usually studies by herself or takes my help when I am home. So in that way you can actually have some time to study. And ask me if you have any doubts. Regarding your job or your studies." He smiled as you instantly nodded.

"Thank you so much Namjoon." You smiled at him as he shook his head.
"It's alright. And… about your salary. Does 100$ per day sound good to you?" Your eyes widened as if they were about to pop out of their socket.

"WHAT?!???" you practically yelled as he laughed.
"Calm down. I am serious. But, you have to take good care of my daughter" he narrowed his eagle eyes as you shook your head.

"I'll take good care of her, but this amount is huge. Like really HUGE for a normal babysitter. I can't take this."
"I am not giving you an option y/n. You have to accept it. No matter what. Please." He pleaded as you furrowed your brows.

"Why are you offering this big amount to me? Like 100$ per day is a huge namjoon." He sighed.
"I know. But I am a selfish man. I want the best for my daughter and you took care of her In The best ways possible. Even when you were just a stranger. You deserve it y/n please don't deny."

"I- i Don't have words.. Alright then I'll start my job from today." You smiled as he smiled back.
"Since it's your first day here, I'll drive you to Jihye's School. Let's pick her up together, ok?" He asks as you nodded.

"Let's Go." He said as took you towards the parking area.
He sat on the driver's seat after opening the door to the front seat for you. The whole ride he kept on telling you about her likes and dislikes. But, the only thing you noticed is… He was a complete NOOB at driving!!!

Jesus Christ If he drives this way, you will never ever reach your destination and you were damn sure that if he will boost some speed then, forget about school, heaven would be your destination.

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