•Chapter Seventeen

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One sentence. one sentence caused gasps, chaos and laughs. "I will sleep with y/n." Namjoon said hastily and everyone either gasped or choked on their saliva. He didn't realise it until his mom looked at him with eyes as she said, "Namjoon? what are you saying dear?"

Oh fuck. he cursed in his mind and looked at you. You looked away from him, clearly embarrassed.

"I didn't mean that 'sleep' I mean, sleeping. Closing eyes. Breath in, Breath out. Relaxing. That type of 'sleep'. Please underst-" he was cut off by Jungkook's laugh.

"Hyung! It's okay. We got ya." he laughed more and soon the room was filled with laughter.

Namjoon just looked at you with apologetic eyes but you kept looking down until Jihye came and asked, "Why is everyone laughing y/nie? i want to sleep" she pouted and you picked her up.

"Let's go, princess. We will sleep now, okay?" you kissed her crown and she snuggled in your arms.

You bought her with you, inside the bedroom and closed the door behind you.  You tucked her in sheets and drifted to sleep with her.

You were in deep sleep when you felt the sheets shuffle causing you to wake up, it was namjoon's mom, "y/n, I am taking Jihye with me. She will sleep with us tonight, actually we wanted to spend some time with her. you and namjoon will leave soon so i want to spend as much time as possible with her" she said, making you smile and nod.

"You can take her," you whispered, not wanting to wake the little girl up. 

His mom tried to take her but she just held on to you, tightly making her smile and pat her granddaughter's head.

"She loves you a lot y/n" his mom said, making you smile.

"I know, And i love her much more than that. She knows I love her but she has no idea how much she means to me" you caressed Jihye's cheeks. You slowly pulled yourself away from her and handed her over to Namjoon's mom.

She shuffled a lot but at last her granny took her.
Namjoon entered the room few minutes after that,

"Y/n, we will be sleeping here tonight since mom took Jihye with her and the boys are sharing 2 guest rooms. So we have to sleep here itself." he said a bit coldly, making you raise a brow.

He sat beside you on the bed, resting his head on the wooden headboard.

He closed his eyes, sighing.

"Are you okay, Joon?" You asked. No response.
"Joon.. Are you alright?" this time he opened his eyes and looked at the beauty beside him.

"I am good. Thank you for asking and also ignoring me all the time. Not even sharing a word with me and making me feel like a stranger."  He voiced out and your eyes popped out of its socket.

"What?" You asked under your breath. "Nevermind. Leave it. I am sorry for the chaos I caused." He mumbled and was about to stood up when you held his wrist making him look at you,

"No wait, Don't go.. I am sorry if you felt like i was ignoring you but trust me Joon i wasn't! I was just overwhelmed after seeing Jungkook. It's been years since i last saw him" you said as he sat back and shook his head,

"I was being too much, y/n.. It isn't your fault.. You can talk to anyone you want and ignore anyone you want. It's your life" he smiled sadly as your lower lip pouted,

"Noooo, Joon. I am sorry I didn't mean to ignore you" you stretched out and hugged him by his neck, taking him aback.

"I would never, never ignore you, Joon. It's the last thing I would do. You are so precious to me, i cannot even think about ignoring you, Joon" you said, placing your forehead on his shoulder as he wrapped his hands around your waist,

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