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HELLO! You haven't heard from me in awhile and that's totally my fault.

I wanted to reach out to all my followers and readers to ask, I am competing in the Inked Cover Girls Magazine competition and would be so overjoyed if you could vote for me. You get a free vote every 24 hours and with the amount of people who read my work, I feel like I might actually have a chance to win this. I don't expect any of you to pay for votes, I do feel like that's cheating honestly. The prize is $25,000 and I WOULD BE SO FREAKING EXCITED TO GET THAT!!! The amount of college debt I can pay off with that and put towards my degree would be insanely helpful and a huge privilege for me.

I cannot express in words what this would mean for me to win, nor can I express how grateful I am to know that so many people have already voted for me and believe in me. I didn't enter this thinking I would make it this far, I didn't even really entertain the idea that I was even good enough for this. I had no expectations of getting into this, and the fact I am in second place in my group still baffles me. Growing up, I wasn't the popular type nor was I very well known to my peers, so the fact I am where I am is shocking and just absolutely amazing.

It would just mean the world to me to have all of you on my side in this, to have my biggest supportive people, minus my parents LOL, standing with me in this. So many of my friends and family have been posting me on their social media and I have no problems with any of you doing so IF YOU SO WISH TO. Please don't feel stressed and or pressured to help me. I know a lot of us have so much going on in our personal lives, but if you're able to support me in this, know that I am incredibly grateful that you took the time to help me.

Thank you all so much, I will list the website where you can vote below and in the comments.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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