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"Lost in Rêverie"

In the quiet of my mind,
My thoughts begin to unwind,
And in that space, I find
Myself lost in rêverie.

With eyes closed, I drift away,
To a place where dreams hold sway,
And there I can while away
The hours in sweet rêverie.

The world outside may be loud,
But in my head, there is no crowd,
Just the whispers of a cloud
That lulls me to rêverie.

Oh, how sweet this escape,
From the worries that agape,
As I let my mind reshape
The world in rêverie.

And when I finally wake,
I feel my spirit shake,
As I leave that dreamy state
Of blissful rêverie.


*Rêverie- is a French word means daydreaming.*

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