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"Smiling Through the Pain"

Happy at the same time painful inside,
A heart that's torn between two sides.
A smile on my face, but tears in my eyes,
As I try to conceal the pain that lies.

The world sees me as happy and bright,
But inside, my heart is filled with a fight.
A battle between what's real and what's not,
As I try to hold on to the love that I've got.

I'm grateful for the love that I've been given,
But at the same time, my heart feels riven.
The pain of the past still lingers on,
And the wounds of the heart are not yet gone.

I try to push the pain away,
But it seems to follow me day by day.
I smile and laugh to hide the pain,
But the hurt inside still remains.

I long for the day when the pain will cease,
And my heart will be filled with nothing but peace.
But until then, I'll keep smiling through,
And cherish the love that's tried and true.

For even if my heart feels pain and strife,
I know that there's still beauty in this life.
And I'll hold on to the hope that's inside,
And be happy, at the same time painful inside.


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