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"Broken but Rising"

In the midst of heartbreak and pain,
I find myself lost and alone,
Trying to navigate through the struggles,
Of a broken family and a love that's gone.

The wounds are fresh and bleeding,
As I try to make sense of it all,
My mind and heart in constant battle,
As I try to pick up the pieces and stand tall.

The family problems weigh heavy,
Adding to the burden I already bear,
Trying to find a way to heal,
To find some peace amidst the despair.

But in the midst of all this chaos,
I know that I am not alone,
For there are those who love me,
Who are there to help me find my way home.

And though the journey may be long,
And the road may be rough and steep,
I know that I will make it through,
For in my heart, hope and love run deep.

So I'll take it one step at a time,
And face each day with renewed strength,
Trusting in the love that surrounds me,
And finding the beauty in each moment, no matter the length.

For though I may be broken now,
I know that I'll rise again,
Stronger, wiser, and more whole,
With a heart that's ready to love and begin.


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