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"Feelings Unforgettable"

In the depths of my heart, a flame still burns,
For you, my dear, my love forever yearns.
Memories linger, like whispers in the night,
Of a love so pure, so precious, so bright.

You were the sun that warmed my soul,
A piece of my being that made me whole.
In your eyes, I found a love so true,
A bond so strong, I thought would never undo.

But time has passed, and life has changed,
Our paths diverged, and hearts estranged.
Yet, the feelings remain, steadfast and true,
Irreplaceable, cherished, for only you.

No matter the distance, no matter the years,
Your presence lingers, erasing all my fears.
Though we may walk separate roads apart,
You'll forever hold a special place in my heart.

The laughter we shared, the tears we shed,
The dreams we once built, in our hearts, they spread.
Though the seasons change and the world moves on,
The love we once shared, it can never be gone.

Irreplaceable feelings, etched in my soul,
A love that once was, that made me whole.
For you, my dear, I'll always hold a space,
A treasure of emotions, time cannot erase.

So, here's to the memories, the love we knew,
A bond unbreakable, forever it grew.
Though our paths may never again align,
You'll forever be a part of this heart of mine.


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