The arrival

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Celeste Amaris Potter found herself between her 'friends' Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. She was supposed to save these people from Voldemort. How was she supposed to do that? The people in Hogwarts were even afraid to speak of his name.

She first handedly witnessed how closed minded and judgey these mortals could be. I mean she witnessed one of her true friends die in front of her because of the no nose man whose name means flight from death for goodness sake! and no one was ready to believe her, some saying that she was crazy attention seeking bitch. 

"Celeste!" She was pulled out of her thoughts by someone who was yelling at her. Oh and of course it was Hermione.

"yea?""did you hear what i said?" "Ummm.... no?" it came out more like a question than an answer 

Hermione sighs and starts babbling about gods knows what. When celeste finally had enough and was about to tell hermione to shut up "her-" she was cut off by the door of the great hall open outside stood these people- Mad-eye moody, remus lupin, sirius in his dog form, a bi- i mean the minister of magic mr fudge, the Weasleys,tonks and the malfoys.

"What is the meaning of this minister, why are you here?" 'Dumbledore asked the minister of magic "I have no time to play these games. Dumbledore I was sent a letter saying you wanted my immediate assistance " the others who came with him, nodded their heads.

"But I never sen-" he was cut off by a bright light and chaos and when i say chaos i mean it. By chaos i meant that there were children  who appeared from the bright light um that and the fact that they were on top of eachother like in a mountain of bodies. A groan was heard "You're sitting on top of me Nico" a familiar voice was heard as celeste's eyes lit up in recognition.

And another bright light was seen. This time however there was no chaos . Once the bright light faded there stood  17 people all graceful. Celeste got to her feet running towards the crowd of newly arrived pile of people helping some onto their feet, hugging them and glaring at some of the graceful people while smiling at some.The wizarding world watched in shock as their savior the person they claimed to know all about went and hugged complete strangers. 

Once Celeste was done hugging the strangers a stack of books appeared with a less blinding light.

Celeste being the nearest [& the bravest considering the others had scooted away from the stack] opened and read the letter 

The letter:-

Dear demi-god and wizarding  world,

We have brought you here to read about your future and the past seeing as your future is not at all pleasant.None of you is allowed to leave the castle. In short you all are stuck here but don't worry the time outside has frozen.  No one can attack the castle, no monsters, no voldemort. Rooms, Bathrooms, Food, Resting chambers will of course be  provided.  

I suggest you make yourself comfortable considering you can't leave .

Yours sincerely 


whispers broke throughout the great hall

Well that was till a certain goat said "silence" making the hall quiet down entirely. Then he asked in an authoritative voice, "Celeste, my girl, who are these people?" Celeste scowled.

"Well ya'll should introduce yourselves before we start reading the books so go on"

"Lady hecate, could you please" Celeste requests while doing a hand movement while hecate understands immediately she compiles to the younger's request making couches appear instead of the customary long tables.

Dumbledore raises a questioning brow towards the people he paid to be Celeste's friends who send an equal look towards the person who employed them. But soon they go and sit onto the couch next to the weasleys.

Dumbledore however is in a state of slight panic. His pawn knows such powerful people. But he has a greedy twinkle in his eye too. He is thinking how he can manipulate these people in helping him achieve the greater good and gaining credit when his pawn is sacrificed.

As if sensing his thoughts one of the very powerful beings throws a look of disgust towards him.

"My name is Percy Jackson"

but his friends shout"No it's perry johnson" to which percy rolls his eyes playfully.

"annabeth chase"

"thalia grace"

"Nico di angelo"


"and travis stoll"

and the list goes on (in truth i'm too lazy to mention all their names + ya'll know them already so)

"and what about them"asks none other than the 'brightest' witch of the age.

"They'll be introduced in the books if not then i'll introduce them"

As soon as that is said the door opens again Showing none other than Sally Jackson.

"Mom" both percy and celeste run towards their mother 

Snape sneers thinking something in the lines of 'she is lily's child not that woman's, that insolent brat!'

While the reunion is going on a pair of weasleys look at the sibling in all but blood and their mother with envy. Even though Celeste is not Sally's real child she has been adopted by her while even though they are Molly's real children, they are ignored and neglected only scolded. (honestly same, unless i don't eat cuz i generally don't)

Their half-siblings also twins notice their looks and motion to come towards them. The whole Weasley family ignored them like they do all except the older two who were surprised to see Fred and George talk to outsiders.

When everyone had settled down the dumb door asked who wanted to read. It was taken by none other than Annabeth.

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