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Read author notes at the end pls and thank you


The last thing I remember is collapsing on a wooden porch, looking up at a ceiling fan circling above me, moths flying around a yellow light, and the stern faces of a familiar-looking bearded man and a pretty girl, her blond hair curled like a princess's. They both looked down at me, and the girl said, "He's the one. He must be."

"Silence, Annabeth," the man said. "they are still conscious. Bring them inside."

"aw perce you thought brain girl looked like a princess" Draco laughed at his friend.

"Shut up draco I was talking about her hair" percy mumbled

"Beth you thought that about everyone who came there didn't you?" Celeste asked Annabeth who turned 50 shades of red right there

"Shut up" she mumbled you both turned out to be ones didn't you?"

"Ok ok ya'll now let's take a break? I'm sure some of you need to wrap your head around what happened in this chapter" Celeste said and was greeted with silence.

She then turned to go to Chiron. The teacher looked up at her from his wheelchair.

"Yes Celeste?"

"Where's he?"


Celeste huffed at the short answer. "quest?"


Just then a letter landed on the floor in front of Celeste who grabbed it and read

Dear Celeste,

I know you're worried don't be he's going to come here in about 5 minutes

Yours truly


Celeste then had a smile on her face her face brightening. Percy who saw his sister going happy from her earlier gloomy mood walked silently behind his sister who elbowed him making him groan "sorry reflex" "nah it's ok what's got you so happy ?" Celeste shows her brother the letter "oh I get it why your happy now."

You see the person we're talking about is Percy's friend and Celeste's best friend [and maybe more?]

And then after five minutes when everyone was seated ready to continue the book, there was a flash once the flash cleared everyone could see a boy. This boy had Asian genes which were there but not too prominent, was tall a bit taller than Celeste.

He appeared out of thin air like the others and walked towards the others who came from the half blood island.

Where was our protagonist you might ask? She was there just not in the hall, she was looking at a plant the whomping willows waving it's branches around.

Now back to the great hall

Percy was the first person the new boy approached. Showing up his fist for a fist bump which was returned and then was hugged

"Man it's been a while since I've been with ya'll. Romes nice 'nd all but still" The stranger says.

Celeste enters the great hall only to see all the people again staring at her family and friends. She walks quietly towards them seeing the person she was waiting for there, with her brother and the others. [damn that rhymed a bit brother and the others part- ok I'll stop]

Celeste creeped closer to him and poked him in the shoulders making him startled. He turned around to face Celeste whose face brightened. "Este!" "Riki!"

Celeste was pulled into an embrace she didn't complain she had missed him after all.

She met Riki at the camp after he returned from a quest well more like a favor for his father. He was easy to befriend and was one of the only people who she trusted a lot.

Once they were out of the embrace Celeste turned towards the crowd and then back to Riki

"Introduce your self R"

"Um....Hey? I'm Riki Hartz Half- Japanese half-American "

The girls were happy. He was good looking and seemed nice. They seemed whipped even Hermione granger was swooning over him. Angry at Celeste for knowing him.



After the reunion when everybody was seated with Celeste sitting on a couch with Nico and Riki They were ready to start a new chapter.

No one saw Riki and Celeste holding hands though well the demigod and god population knew of the relationship and the wizarding world was in for a surprise.

"Ok lets start the next chapter then? yea" Celeste said earning a chorus of replies which mostly contained "yes"s and "ok"s.


Short chapter ik but I wanted to start a new chapter in a new chapter if it makes sense?.


I was so shocked.

Idk how to write ppl in relationships I've been single all my life so ye.

Do ya'll like the new character so far?

I chose the name riki cuz like Japanese and it fits kinda.

Riki in Japanese means powerful.

Wait wtf how tf did it come when I wrote healing related names in google then-

Yes I use google to find names cuz let's be honest u and me both know I'm too lazy to find names myself. 

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