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Later in the evening, when the sparks from the campfire were curling into

a starry sky, the conch horn blew again, and we all filed back to our cabins. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I collapsed on my borrowed sleeping bag.

My fingers curled around the Minotaur's horn. I thought about my mom, but I had good thoughts: her smile, the bedtime stories she would read me when I was a kid, the way she would tell me not to let the bedbugs bite.

I felt a hand on my head, patting it softly, I smiled knowing it was Celeste.

When I closed my eyes, I fell asleep instantly.

That was my first day at Camp Half-Blood.

I wish I'd known how briefly I would get to enjoy my new home.

"Damn, you were so cute, what happened?" Celeste teased her brother

He just huffed indignantly, "I can ask you too" he retorted, with little snark in his voice, it didn't do anything other than making her laugh.

There was some silence, the people not knowing what to say while they processed, then though there were some awkward stare, ".......well, that's awkward" celeste muttered to herself rolling her eyes, due to the silence though, her voice carried throughout the room, some snorts were heard.

"So.....a camp like that, all those gods, they with humans? This isn't a prank or anything?" asked Cho chang.

"Did you think it was, chang?, of course it's not" Draco sneered

"Let's not," Celeste interrupted, looking bored with the argument even before it started.

"Guys, really, this is insane, how can you believe this? There's no way the gods in those myths actually exist- you seriously can't believe these sto-" A haughty voice spoke up.

"You know, granger you might want to keep quiet unless you want to get pulverized." Celeste spoke nonchalantly, as if it wouldn't matter to her if it really happened, as she ran her fingers through riki's hair as his head rested on her shoulder.

People kept whispering among themselves as she looked around, wondering when she'd be able to sleep.

In the end they all decided to just head to bed instead of starting a new chapter that day, so the demigods decided to roam around the school, some of them just sitting outside, some gossiping with their friends. Now, Celeste had decided to show the demigods the lake, all of them sitting near it as percy talked to... Celeste assumed it was the squid. "Jack says you come here a lot" Percy says, as he came to sit beside celeste, who raised an eyebrow at him, amusement swirling in her eyes.

"Jack?" she asked, "did you name the giant squid jack?" percy just shrugged sheepishly, "he asked me to name him, i did so"

"Jack's kinda basic don't you think?" Annabeth teased her boyfriend, as riki just came and silently kept her head on celestre's lap, it was unusual for him to be that silent, so obviously celeste asked him

"What's wrong, love? Why so silent?"

Riki looked at her, "i don't know, i just- i just feel like i should have been there for you know? Like all these times here with those people" he spoke after a while, it was obvious he was thinking a lot about it, a smile threatened to break onto her face, "why? I was doing well, wasn't I?" she said pulling him up so that she could hug him. He did it without complaint, a frown still on his face.

"You did but-" he stopped talking when she pressed her lips to his, it was short, but it was reassuring. "I'm fine, okay?" she asked, giving him a small smile, his hands snaked around her waist, his head resting between her shoulder and neck.

It was peaceful, more peaceful than what they were used to, it was enjoyable nevertheless, it was like the two were in their own personal bubble.


When did i become a romance writer help- 

lemme tell y'all the reason of my big ass break, i had a midterm in bio, its been a while i got 98/100, i was like where tf did i leave the 2 points like-

yeah. i'm on winter break it's almost about to end tho, my phone's dead y'all, like the battery is swollen lmfao, It's a short chapter ik but welp- i'll try to be more active 


also it's snowing as i write this and love talk-wayV is playing i love that song 

keep warm byeee<33333 

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