One - rewritten

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Chapter 1 ; what happened to their birthday plannings?

A/N : Reader will be from Liyue + Please note that I'm not experienced with writing.

Keywords :
(n) - name
(n.n) - nick name
(h.c) - hair color


A quiet and an introverted guy is what people around Teyvat High would describe (n) everytime someone asks about him.

(n) didn't really pay attention to what the others thought about him - as long as they don't bother him,he won't pay attention to them that much.

despite his quiet self,he somehow managed to find a few people to be his friends - not that he's the one who approached them but,they just befriended him when he was just quietly eating his lunch.

although he sometimes find their presence annoying,he's grateful that they'd throw a mini birthday party for him and have fun for the rest of the day.

speaking of birthdays,tomorrow is (n)'s birthday and he's quite excited for what his friends would give him for today - could it be the book he always wanted? or could it be a notebook? whatever the gifts are,he'd accept with pleasure.

(n) hates to admit it but he was expecting they would be discussing on what they would buy for his birthday but instead,they seemed to be talking about something that's completely different.

"my friend,venti is really fun to talk to!he'd always manage to bring up a conversation and completely change the atmosphere if it gets too tense!"

"He seems interesting!oh by the way,i've met this girl named nilou and she said she know how to dance and is quite popular in her school."

(n) was left confused with the unfamiliar names.his friends never mentioned the names before and he seemed interested about the conversation.

maybe,his friends already talked about it long ago but he never opened the message?who knows,(n) hasn't opened the chat for at least 2 days by now.

"Venti,Nilou?Who are those people?" (n) questioned.

"oh,(n.n), you almost made me have a heart attack!" hu tao was startled with (n)'s sudden appearance.due to her sudden shock,(n) quickly apologised to her."anyways,venti is my online friend and nilou is yunjin's online friend!"

(n) raised his eyebrow before opening his mouth."online...friends?"

xiao furrowed his eyebrows as he shook his head."you probably didn't open the chat..." he sighed out.

"online friends are people who we met through the internet." he replied to his question.

"..i see,I have never met one before." hu tao immediately looked at (n) with a shocked expression on her face.

"you've never met one?!" she questioned in disbelief."not gonna lie,i thought he'd at least have an online friend and he'd be the type of friend that's loud online." childe said his opinion.

"aiyaya..(n.n),you need to make some online friends too!imagine how sad your life would be if you didn't have one." hu tao said while doing a hand gesture while yunjin shook her head at hu tao's unnecessary dramatic reaction.

"fine,i will find one if it will make you guys shut up." (n) huffed.

he didn't want to make new friends because he knew that he'd probably feel left out due to him not knowing how to continue a conversation.

besides,he didn't want to appear rude for ignoring them for so long.he's just that type of person who can't stare at their screen for hours without having their eyes hurt badly which lead him to not touch his phone for days.

"anyways,what app do I need to...install to make friends?" (n) asked and pulled out his notebook so he could remember to download it soon.

"oh,just download tinder!you can-" hu tao punched childe at his arm before childe could finish his sentence.

"ignore him!you can download discord so that you can find friends through the internet!and,you can join servers with many people!" hu tao happily replied.

"i can invite you to a server that i'm always active in!" childe didn't say anything wrong but he still received a playful punch from xiao this time."let him find the server himself."

"i agree,you can't always rely on us to communicate." yunjin agreed with xiao.

(n) felt nervous meeting new people but he nodded his head."fine,i'll try." he sighed in defeat.

"great!please don't change your personality just to fit in!" yunjin reminded as she grabbed her backpack.

"eh,where are you going?" hu tao noticed that yunjin grabbed her backpack."i have opera practice today, remember?" yunjin shook her head.

"oh,right!" hu tao giggled at her own forgetful mind."i never noticed that it's actually the time to go home now.."

now that hu tao mentioned it,the bell rung 15 minutes ago and none of the friends noticed it - even xiao that's always on guard, didn't notice it.

"well,see you guys soon!i'm going to accompany yunjin for a walk." hu tao smiled before waving her hands and went outside the class with yunjin.

"see you tomorrow,(n.n),xiao.i need to pick up teucer." childe bidded both of them a goodbye and walked off just like the girls.

"well,shall we go now?" (n) asked politely to xiao as he nodded his head and stood up from his seat and grabbed his backpack."let's go." he simply said.

soon,the duo begin walking home together as usual since they live near each other.

even though they always walk home together,(n) noticed that xiao seemed a bit distant from him.(n) didn't want to ruin the friendship just because xiao became distant so he decided to start a conversation.

"making new friends made me feel nervous.." (n) spoke but soon regrets it due to the lack of response.

finally noticing the familiar house in the distance,(n) looked at xiao."you can go now." xiao hummed in response and walked to his apartment.


(n) placed his bag on the floor of his room and walked to his nightstand to grab his phone.

"now, let's see the app they suggested to me.." (n) mumbled and opened his phone to download the said app.

(n) chose the first option that displayed on his screen since the others look like a game.

rewritten on 13thApril

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