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chapter 18 ; i feel safe

chapter 18 ; i feel safe

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"hey ,(n)?have you ever considered dating anyone?" kuni asked out of nowhere as he waits for (n)'s response.

(n) was pretty surprised at his sudden question but he paid no mind to it ,still being careful to answer it "not really ,why?"

"nothing ,sorry for asking." kuni apologized and looked outside instead "oh ,we're almost here."  kuni reminded (n).

"well ,thank you for spending time with me ,kunikuzushi." (n) thanked him as the door opens for them to leave."hah,so you do remember my full name." kuni couldn't help but smiles back at him — the smile he had is always genuine whenever he's with (n).

"(n.n)~! eh, who's this?" hu tao noticed kuni."this is scaramouche that i always had been talking about!" (n) happily introduced kuni to the others.

yunjin and hu tao was happy that they finally met kuni except for xiao,he seemed to be rather jealous but he won't start a fight or get angry at (n) again.



"how are you my dude ahaha.." ajax decided to change the atmosphere which kind of worked.

"didn't you say you wanted to shove him inside a trashcan earlier?" (n) recalled which make ajax's sweat dropped."haha..what do you mean?i would never do that to my close friend especially scaramouche!"

sure,he did say that but — he couldn't help but feel like the atmosphere felt intermediating when kuni made eye contact with the friend group.

"mhm,yeah sure...you did already say that to me in the server." kuni rolled his eyes as he cross his arm.

"no I did not." ajax barked back.

"whatever,who are these people anyway?" kuni asked as he pointed to yunjin and hu tao expect for xiao."expect from him, i don't want to get to know him.i know he's a bitch though."

xiao heard kuni's remark as he furrowed his eyebrows and scoffs.

"i'm yunjin and this is hu tao." yunjin introduced herself while hu tao waved at kuni cheerfully."nice to meet you guys." he smiled but it seems fake in xiao's eyes.

"i gotta go now,my brother will be worried about me if i don't come back at 7pm." xiao said before walking away in a rush."huh, does he really hates my presence that much?"

"well,do you guys want to have some more fun a bit?" ajax asked as yunjin shook her head."i'm pretty sure the amusement park is closing soon so,no thanks." she replied.

ajax nodded in understandment "i guess everyone should go home now." everyone soon walked to the exit of the amusement park while having a bit of a chit chat.

everyone except for kuni had left the amusement park because they had their own businesses and (n) doesn't really want to bother them.

"kuni?are you not going to leave?" (n) tilted his head at the indigo haired male.".. actually," he began to spoke but (n) knew he was unconfident about his next words.

"can i walk you home?" kuni asked as (n) seemed shocked at his sudden request."i- .. sure!" (n) responded quickly.

for a second,(n) saw kuni's face brighten up."yes!i mean-" he cleared his throat "let's go then?" he smiled as (n) nodded his head and offered his hand to kuni to let him hold his hand.

kuni seemed shocked at his actions — he surely wasn't expecting (n) to suddenly offers his hand."well,are you going to hold my hand or not?"

kuni was hesitant at first but he soon slowly held out his hand and hold (n)'s hand which he immediately turned red — (n)'s hand was rather comforting to hold to.he wanted to hold it forever and hopefully,he's the only one that can hold his hand soon.

"since i'm the only one who knows where my house is,i need to lead you to my house so you won't get lost!" (n) said before showing the way to go to his home.

"hey,(n)?did you seriously walk this long to the amusement park just to meet your friends?" kuni asked.now that he think about it,why didn't (n) use any transportation to go to the amusement park?

"well,one of my dad doesn't know how to drive and my father is usually drunk while my mother is usually busy." (n) shrugged and kept on walking, dragging kuni a bit faster now since (n) recgonize the street.

"isn't it dangerous?you could've gotten kidnapped.." kuni said with worries."you're right,but i always make sure to be in call with my friends incase anything happen," (n) replied before continuing —

"now that you're here, i don't really have to be in call with them!"


"by the way, we're here." (n) said as he pointed to the home in front of them.

the house was not too small nor too big — at least it will still manage to fit around 4 people,or more (or less).

(n) knocked at the door and waits for his parents to open the door."oh,(n.n)! thank goodness you're finally home—oh, who's this?"

a femine voice greeted (n) before stopping once she realized another person is next to her son."this is kuni.do you remember him?"

do you remember him?"

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i hate how this usually happens whenever i use zhongli 💔neways thx for reading 🙏🙏

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i hate how this usually happens whenever i use zhongli 💔neways thx for reading 🙏🙏

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