twenty - main ending

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chapter 20 ; better luck next time

☆i slacked off making this imnsorry gysalternative ending will be posted soon

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i slacked off making this imnsorry gys
alternative ending will be posted soon


(n) closes his phone as he look at kuni — he wondered why he wanted him to go to the park tomorrow.(n) doesn't mind it of course but he somehow felt curious about it."kuni,why do you want to go to the park tomorrow?".

upon hearing his question,kuni looked at him,having a smile on his face with small tint of blush."you'll know it soon."

"right,are you going to stay here tonight? it's getting dark and it might be dangerous to walk at this hour." (n) glanced out of his window and noticed that hours had probably already passed.

"yeah,my mom would kill me if she found out that i'm still not at home.." kuni spoke before standing up."i'll be going now,see you tomorrow." he gave (n) a genuine smile before walking out from his bedroom.

"hm? you're leaving already?" (n)'s mother noticed kuni's presence nearby the door."take this food,share it your family as well!" she smiled at him and gave kuni a tupperware (I FUCKING DONT KNOW WHAT IT'S CALLED OK.) filled with food with a pleasant smells.

it smells nice and he appreciated her least (n)'s mother can cook unlike kuni's whole bloodlines.

except him of course, he's great at cooking.

"thank you,see you soon (n.n)." kuni said and closes the door gently.

"you know,if he's not your boyfriend,i'd be very disappointed." (n)'s father quietly spoke — afraid that kuni might hear him."he's not my... nevermind." (n) shook his head in defeat.

"i'll sleep's pretty tiring." (n) said with a yawn and headed upstairs."alright, goodnight sweetheart!" his dad smiled at (n).


(n) got a pretty good sleep and he thought he woke up around 10 am as usual — but somehow,he woke up around 1pm.

"1pm..?why did no one wake me up?" (n) mumbled.instead of standing up and eat something,he opened his phone and immediately clicked discord.


are you awake?
aj said you didn't come to school today
are you dead?
(n) ?
damn it

im so sorry i just woke up

good to know you're not dead

why would you think that?

aj said u always come to school so i got worried abt u

im ok
dw about me :)

if you said so
now that you're here,do u wnt to go to the park now?

oh, sure!can we go to the store before we go?

let's go now,i'll be waiting at ur door incase you take forever when you shower

(n) immediately stood up and decided to take a shower and wear something simple to meet up with kuni — he make sure to take his time to not wear something weird or too extra when going to the park.

after getting ready,he immediately rushed downstairs,not bothering to eat the breakfast his mother had prepared for him.


"there you are,kuni!" (n) greeted kuni cheerfully as he hugged him while kuni's face is really red by now."i didn't get to do that when i first met you so.." (n) giggled awkwardly.

"aha, it's fine, let's hurry to the park." kuni said as he lead him to the store while holding hands.

"what's your favourite snack,(n.n)?"kuni asked — now that he think about it,he never knew what's (n) favorite drinks,food etc and he want to know more about him.

(n) somehow looked shocked at the question but he answered it nonetheless "it's (f.s)."

kuni replied with a hum and went to find it somewhere in the store.hopefully,he can find it for (n) to enjoy it.

yes,he's buying it to increase the chance for (n) to accept his confession(kaveh told him to do that).

"i'll pay for it,don't worry"kuni quickly offered when he noticed that (n) was about to pay for the foods he had bought."the that for me?" (n) noticed that kuni had been holding his favourite snack.

"yeah,hope you'll like it." kuni smiled which make (n) smiles back.

after paying for those,kuni wanted to go to a store to buy a few things for him to cook for dinner so he decided to tell (n) about it."(n),i'm going to a store first before we go." kuni said.

kuni was expecting an agreement — which he got from (n) but he seems rather upset about it.".. nevermind,i'll just buy it when i'm going back home."

kuni was relieved when he finally saw that smile from (n) and he's glad that he could make him smile from a simple changes.

"we're here,can we eat first ?" kuni asked and sat on a bench,petting a spot next to him so (n) could sit next to him.

the duo sat there quietly,not any words coming out from their mouth — it was peaceful and (n) enjoyed it.only him though,kuni was quite nervous on what he'd do next.

"(n.n),can i tell you something?" kuni faced towards (n) as he hummed in response while closing his eyes.

"i might regret this but,"

"i love you,(n)." he finally confessed,his face was red while waiting for (n)'s answer.

(n) quickly opened his eyes and stared at him in disbelief — he wasn't expecting him to say that.


"i'm really sorry,kuni but i have no feelings for you." he felt guilty,really guilty but,

(n) see nothing in kuni other than being his online friend.

(n) see nothing in kuni other than being his online friend

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so like how r ya'll doing 😋🤗

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