3. Safe and sound

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Part 3

There's a black SUV standing in front of the house and as soon as the bulletproof vests are on they run to it. Mcgee enters first in the backseat and then Cary joins him. The black dressed person goes sitting on the driver's seat. It is grabbing something from the front seat and Mcgee tries to watch closely to see what going to happen. Then in the persons hand appears a gun, half size (the size between a handgun a sniper, a sort of machine gun).

To his suprise, Mcgee gets the gun put in his hands, while he is hearing the words: 'For when were getting followed!'
Mcgee then says: 'Why did we have to leave the house? And why would I need a gun, if we're being followed?' 'And why don't I get a gun?' Cary adds. 'Because he is trained in how to shoot with a gun and you're not!' the person says, first answering Cary's question. 'And as an answer for your question. If you haven't left the house in time, you would ......'

But before the in black dressed person could finish the phrase she started, the house blew up. 'have been dead right now!' as she finished the phrase and started the engine. While Cary and Mcgee are still looking at the blown up house in disbelief, Mcgee says 'You haven't answered my second question!' But as soon as the start riding, the person puts it's foot on the gas pedal. And not a second to late because from several places around the house and in the parking spots, people start shooting at the car.

There's even a car that follows them and as Mcgee sees the gun on his lap, he opens the window and start shooting at the shooters. Cary is ordered to get as low as possible, so she is almost laying on the ground. When the car keeps chasing them, they drive into a landscape with little to non houses or people. Mcgee then aims at the tires and as one pops, the car drives off the road into a ditch, were it gets stuck. Al three of them sight in relief. Mcgee says after a minute 'Were are you taking us now.' 'How does NCIS headquarters sound?' the person answers. 'I'm okay with that.' Mcgee says in return.

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