Chapter 5

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"You're late." Xari crossed his arms, looking down at me. I tucked my head submissively to the alpha.

"I'm sorry, Xari, I accidentally slept a bit too long on my nap." My cheeks turned red.

"Okay, but you really need to work on being on time. You know, some of the employees think we're sleeping together or something because I let you off the hook way too often." He huffed.

"You're married, though." I furrowed my brows.

"I'm also an alpha, and you're biologically an omega, so do you see how they could come up with that conclusion?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Yes, sir." I frowned, glancing over my shoulder, looking at the other bartender who was cleaning glasses, staring at me.

"Next time you're late, I'm going to have to write you up." I bit down on my bottom lip and nodded again.

"Sorry," I mumbled.


After my mishap when I arrived, I had tried my best being the star employee. I ignored the stare from the Beta I had to work with for the night. I knew it was no secret among us bartenders that Xari had treated me a bit differently than everyone else. Not only Xari but the customers too. Despite me being on BetaT, it was apparent I was an omega. I would get heftier tips because I was an omega and a smooth talker.

But, when being in a position where I was making more than others, jealousy tended to rear its ugly head. Jealousy in the workplace was a scary concept. Especially when I was in danger of not losing one job, but both because of my genetics.

I tried to shove the thoughts back into my head, but of course, I couldn't do anything about it. Since my talk with Sherry the other day and Xari telling me if I fucked up one more time, I'd be getting written up. It upset me more than anything.

I was lucky that Xari's mate's brother was an omega in a similar, but not so similar, situation as me. She really helped me by changing his mind and telling him to hire me because she knew how hard it was for an Omega to get a job.

It felt like I was so close to my impending doom. Like I couldn't even begin to think about what was going to happen if I lost both jobs. The only thing I could think to do was to continue to sleep with other Alphas.

"Micah, what are you doing," Lawrence said, flipping the lever to the beer tap I had been holding on to.

"Oh, sorry." I broke from my thoughts.

"I don't know what the fuck you're doing, but you need to snap out of whatever fantasy land you're in. I'm not getting a write-up for your dumb bullshit." I furrowed my brows.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

"Whatever." He waived me off, continuing to serve the customers at the counter.

I needed to breathe for a minute. I quickly walked to the bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls. I closed the lid on the toilet and sat down for a second, resting my elbows on my knees and putting my face in my hands. I tried to calm my racing heart.

It felt as if my world was about to tilt on its axis. I couldn't stop my mind from racing, to stop it from thinking of the worse case scenarios. I sat there for a while. Trying to get my thoughts, my breathing, and my mind under control. It almost felt as if my world was about to crash down on me.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the tears that I hadn't realized were falling from them away. I knew I was probably being over dramatic, catastrophizing something that hadn't even happened yet.

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