Chapter 13

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Alistair dropped me back off at his place and told me he would discuss what he expected from me as a roommate. We weren't able to pick out much of my belongings, and after digging through my things, it only hurt more.

I went straight to the guest room that Alistair mentioned and immediately collapsed into the bed and fell asleep to escape my problems. I felt like I had failed. No matter how much I tried to keep myself afloat, I eventually and inevitably failed.

I laid in bed until the sun had set, only getting up once to use the restroom, and I went right back to bed, sleeping on and off again, unable to process my emotions.

I just wanted something to go my way for once. I wanted to be able to focus on my art, my passions. But all I was doing was surviving, if I could even call it that. Days off were a luxury to me. Hell, the looming thought of how much Alistair expected me to pay for my portion of rent scared me.

It was obvious he lived in the penthouse of the building in the middle of the city, meaning I would have to get two more jobs to be able to make the payment to him. He actually seemed so genuine and kind when he talked about letting me stay in his place.

I couldn't help but think about the ulterior motives that he had. Like, did he only want me for what most alphas believed omega's good for? To make a home? To only be a hole to fuck?

Most of the alphas I had encountered at the bar all seemed to be the same. They always wanted to fuck, and nothing more. Most of them had wives and husbands, but they didn't care about the feelings of their significant others. To them. I was another hole to fuck, a means to an end of pent-up frustrations on their part, and shamefully mine as well.

Later in the evening, someone knocked on the bedroom door. I answered for them to come in, assuming it was Alistair himself. When the door opened to expose the tired-looking alpha, I sat up, pulling the covers that I somehow managed to get under while I had slept up to my chest.

"Hey," He said in a calming voice.

"Hey," I responded, looking down at my lap.

"Did you eat? I can order something for the both of us?" He asked, leaning against the door panel.

"That sounds nice." I bit down on my bottom lip.

After a while of waiting for the food to be delivered, Alistair asked for me to wait in the living room as he went to take a shower. When he joined me back in the living room, he made sure to show me that my comfort did matter to him.

I could tell he did have a million questions on the tip of his tongue, but he refrained from asking. When the food arrived, we both sat on the floor of the living room in front of the coffee table, and he turned on the news, letting it play in the background. I didn't know how to break the silence we sat in as we ate the Chinese food he had ordered for us.

When his yellow eyes met mine, it was almost as if the air was sucked out of my lungs. It was like I had finally opened my eyes and actually saw the man in front of me. I mean, really saw him.

I mean, he had taken me into his place while I was in heat. He didn't take advantage of me. If anything, he took care of me more than any alpha had in my lifetime.

"Is it okay for me to ask questions?" He finally spoke.

I nodded my head in response as I swallowed down words that I didn't know how to form. I didn't know what he had to ask, and I was afraid of what it would be.

"Omega's typically don't live alone unless it's a complete last resort, mainly because of laws and stuff. And them not making it easy for omegas to get into a place of living without an alpha's consent. So, um, that leads to the question– why are you in this predicament?" He sat his chopsticks down in a resting position.

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