Chapter 5

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*time skip to October 29th*
Y/n pov
You opened a window and breathed in the autumn air. You loved autumn the weather was perfect, pumpkin spice lattes, wrapping up warm AH it was all perfect. You had your Halloween costume all ready. You hadn't shown the guys yet though because we all promised to leave it a surprise for the big night. We had been planning it all year, we were going to get the most candy in the history of South Park trick or treaters. You and the guys had planned to go pumpkin picking and then come back to your house to carve them it was a tradition for the five of you.

You grabbed your hat and ran to the bus stop where you would meet the guys. Kenny was the only one there. He looked like he was sleeping standing up. Huh? What's this all about? You have a evil grin and decided to scare him. You slowly sneak behind him you jump on his back and scream "KENNYY!" He quickly jolts awake and holds you on his back. He was piggybacking you basically "*muffled*Y/N YOU ASS! I THINK I JUST PISSED MYSELF!" You laugh whilst still clinging onto his back. "Morning sleepy head where are the others?" He places you down gently and says "*muffled*They decided that it would be easier if they got dropped off by their parents and since your moms always at work and my parents would never take me I thought maybe we could take the bus?" He sounded embarrassed and looked down. You lift his face up and smile reassuringly "Kenny it's okay! I love bus rides with you I have since I was a kid!"

You and Kenny always used to take the bus everywhere sometimes you wouldn't even be going anywhere you would both just sit on the bus and go for a ride. Kenny did it to get away from his arguing parents and you did it so you could comfort him. Kenny smiled at you when the bus arrived. You both got on and sat right at the back. The bus took you both to the pumpkin patch where you met up with the rest of the guys. "Here comes the rags and the riches ladies and gents!" Cartman said with a grin. "Shut up fatass!" You spat at him. "Aye! I'm not fat I'm big boned!" "Whatever you say fatso" the guys laughed as you began walking towards the pumpkin patch.

The guys soon followed and you all got to work. I spotted a really big one but it was too heavy to put in the wheelbarrow. Well shit. You struggled for five minutes before you saw two hands lift the huge pumpkin and place it in your wheelbarrow with ease. You look up and it was none other than Kenny. "Thanks dude I was really struggling!" He just gave you a toothy grin and said "*muffled* trust me I saw but it's no problem!" Now you had your pumpkin you decided to go and check on the boys and how they were all doing.

Stan and Kenny were looking at the white ones and I saw Kyle right at the back. You pondered over to him and asked him what he was doing "There's this huge one but I can't seem to lift it out the floor do you think you can help?" You shrugged and said "I'll try my best dude but I have no muscles!" He giggled at your comment and on the count of three you both lifted with all your might and you both actually did it! "YES!"
You jumped and screamed. Kyle give you a high five and you both wheeled your pumpkins back to the boys who now had theirs too.

You all went to pay for your pumpkins until Kenny realised he didn't have enough "*muffled* aw shit!" He looked at you all and shrugged it off. You can't let Kenny go home without a pumpkin you had all done this every Halloween for 12 years! "Nope Kenny McCormick you aren't leaving here without a pumpkin to carve! Here." You hand him the extra money he needs since you brought more than what you needed. He looked down at you and embraced you in s massive hug. It was only some extra money but to Kenny it meant the world. I'm pretty sure Stan was fangirling cartman was making gaging noises and Kyle was trying to console Stan.

Kenny let go of you and you both just stared and blushed at eachother. "Okay fags we want to pay for our pumpkins to so hurry the fuck up!" Cartman spat at us whilst pushing to the counter to pay. Kyle told him off and you all eventually got to pay. You and Kenny headed back on the bus with your pumpkins in your laps. Kenny finally spoke up after a while "*muffled* hey y/n. Thank you for giving me the money." He said smiling at you "Anytime dude! I know your family struggles. It's the least I could do." You said nudging his arm. You both arrived at your house and you two were the first ones there this time.

You and Kenny both got into your house and decided to set up for pumpkin carving. Kenny grabbed five knives and you grabbed a trash bag to put the pumpkin guts in and stuff. There was a knock at the door and you realised it was the others. You told Kenny to get comfortable and you went to answer the door. You let everyone in and they all got comfortable too taking off their hats and coats. Kenny didn't mind taking off his parka in front of the group. You were all close friends and he knew you guys would never judge him.

But you were surprised when Kenny took off his coat too revealing toned arms and a well built body. You stared and then quickly looked away to avoid being embarrassed. You had seen Kenny without his coat before many times. So why did you only notice how fit he was until now? Everyone sat down and you all began to carve your pumpkins. Every year you guys had a contest between the five of you. Who can make the best pumpkin? You always won but the boys swore they would beat you this year. Yeah right.

You started scooping the guts out of your pumpkin with your hands and you thought it would be funny to throw it at Stan you knew he hated pumpkin guts. You threw the handful of pumpkin at him and he overreacted about it and started yelling. "Y/N IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" You all bursted into laughter whilst Stan sat there not looking amused. You could tell he wanted to laugh "Come on Stan you know you want to laugh~" you said smirking at him and then he gave up and you all began to laugh. After that fiasco you all began to carve the faces into your pumpkins.

You stared over at Kennys design and you admired the concentration in his face. His tongue was slightly poking out and he was carving the face to his pumpkin. You suddenly feel something sharp hit your hand and you realised you cut your palm. "Agh fuck!" Your hand was now pouring with blood. Everyone rushed over to you (accept from cartman who was laughing at you for being a clutz) Kenny dragged you to the upstairs bathroom. He knew where everything was since he'd always have sleepovers with you as kids.

He picked you up and placed you on the sink. You kept on telling Kenny you were fine but he insisted on getting you bandaged right away. He wiped the blood from your palm gently and grabbed a disinfectant wipe. "Hold still this might sting." You wince as the disinfectant touches your wound. "I know I'm sorry but we can't let it get infected." Kenny wraps your hand in a bandage and you watch as he does it ever so gently. You giggle "Whats funny?" Kenny asked curious. "Your so gentle your like an actual doctor!" "Well y/n as you can see i bandage myself up a lot." He said motioning to his body which was covered in bandages and bandaids.

Kenny finishes wrapping your hand and smiles proudly at his work. You jump off the sink and thank him "Please be more careful you clutz!" You push him and say "Oh come on Kenny I'm not that clumsy!" Just as you said that you tripped over your own foot. Before you hit the floor you felt a pair of strong hands wrap around your torso "Not that clumsy huh?" Kenny said smirking knowing he was right. "Shut up! Come on let's go" you smiled dragging him downstairs.

You all finish carving your pumpkins and you set them out to judge. "I don't know guys I think the blood really makes mine the winner! It's real too!" You said proud of yourself "No way your not winning for being a clutz and cutting your hand! I'm not letting you be the winner because of that!" Kyle said looking at you. You grab your heart and fall backwards over exaggerating a painful death. Everyone laughs at your little joke and everyone votes for a winner. You sit everyone on the couch and stand up to announce the winner. "I'm happy to announce.. this years winner of the annual pumpkin carving contest isss... KYLE! With a vote of 3!" Cartman looked pissed. "No way! He can't win he's a jew he probably doesn't even celebrate Halloween!" Kyle and cartman argue until Stan stops them. Some things just never get old.

A/n very long chapter im sorry but I love Halloween and had a lot to write about it next couple of chapters is mainly you and Kenny bonding. Okays bye bye!!

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