chapter 8

511 6 15

Y/n PoV
You woke up feeling happy. Lasts nights events flooded your brain. You smiled to yourself happily and got up. Walking over to your record player you decide what record you should listen to. You decide on (y/f/b) (your favourite band/singer) and blast music through your house dancing around as you got ready for the day ahead. Slipping on your outfit for the day (whatever you feel comfortable wearing!) you check yourself in the mirror making sure you look nice. Putting on your hat you hear your stomach growl. Hm what should I do for breakfast? I know! I'll go to that cafe in town. What's it called? Tweek..bros? Yeah sounds like a plan.

Running out the door almost slipping you head to the coffee shop hoping they served food. You head into the quaint little cafe and sit down near a window to admire the snowy mountains. A few minutes later tweek came over. "Gah! Hey y/n! What c-can i get you today?" He said with a few twitches here and there. "Hey tweek! Do you guys serve food?" He nodded and you smiled. "Great! Can i get one oolong tea please and some croissants?" Tweek scribbled down your order on a piece of paper "no problem y/n!" He said surprisingly not twitching. Looking around the coffee shop you realised you were the only customer in there. Huh that's odd? Everyone must be eating their Halloween candy and watching movies.

Tweek soon came over with your order and since they had no customers, he sat down opposite you. "Gah! I hope you don't mind me sitting here y/n!" He said with a few twitches. "I don't mind at all I love talking to you man! Want a croissant?" You offered him one since there was too many and you knew you weren't going to finish them all. He looked nervous "I-i couldn't y/n!" He said fearfully. "Cmon tweek you know I don't mind at all!" You said giving him a reassuring smile. Tweek slowly took a croissant and thanked you. You both sat there just talking until customers started coming in more and tweek had to get back to work, you were finished anyways so you headed out waving goodbye to tweek and thanking him.

You headed to the mall since you had to find something to wear tonight. You didn't want to dress up too fancy but not too casual either. Since you knew nothing about fashion you knew exactly who to call. And she was always up for a shopping day. You dialled the number and it rang soon enough she answered. "Wendy i need your help!" You semi-shouted through the phone. "Girl are you okay? Where are you I'm coming!?" She sounded worried. "I'm at the mall and I need to tell you so much get here quick!" "Okay I'm on my way!" She ended the call and not even five minutes later she ran into the mall looking out of breath and tired.

"Whatever you need to tell me better have been worth it, I have just sprant two blocks and my legs hurt!" She said collapsing onto a bench. You followed her actions sitting down. "Well Kenny asked me out.." her eyes widened. "WHAT!" Her scream echoed throughout the mall. You quickly covered her mouth. "Yes and we might have also..kissed.." you said slowly taking your hand off her mouth hoping she had composed herself. She hadn't. She fangirled and was telling me how proud she was. Her and Stan are so similar. He also fangirled when me and Kenny hugged I can't imagine what he'd do if I told him we kissed. Wendy was more than happy to help me find an outfit for tonight. She dragged me from changing room to changing room making me try on different clothes and model them for her. Some outfits you liked and others not so much. You tried on one last outfit and stepped out. "'s this?" You asked showing her the dress you picked. "Oh my gosh. Y/n you look like a princess!" She ran to you giving you a big hug. You hugged her back and went to pay for the dress. It wasn't anything fancy just a little blue silk dress

You planned on wearing black dr martins with it and a black fluffy jacket

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You planned on wearing black dr martins with it and a black fluffy jacket. You and Wendy headed out the mall happy with your purchases. It was 5 and Kenny wasn't picking you up till six so you had plenty of time to get ready. Wendy came over your house to help you. She told you to put the outfit on and you did then she styled your hair and put on light makeup: bronzer, mascara,lipgloss and highlighter. When you were finally ready Wendy collapsed on you bed feeling accomplished for her work. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you felt gorgeous.

Wendy got up and stood behind you. She slung her arms around your shoulders and gave you a kiss on your cheek "you look stunning y/n." You laughed at her and said "Thank you Wendy I couldn't have done all this without you." You said gesturing to yourself. "Okay you need to tell me everything that happens on this date okay? You need to promise!" She said sticking out her pinky. You linked yours together with hers "I pinky promise, I doubt anything's going to happen though Wendy, I mean what if we gl on this date and he realised he doesn't like me?" Wendy just looked at you disgusted. "Y/n L/n talk bad about yourself like that one more time and i will slap you into next week! You are the kindest, prettiest,precious most talented girl I know! If he doesn't like you then there's no hope for the rest of us!" You loved Wendy. You gave her a huge hug which she returned quickly. "I love you Wendy." "I love you more!" You pulled away from the hug. "But you need to get out of here before Kenny comes!" The time was 6:57 and Kenny would be here anytime now.

Wendy left to be respectful and gave you one last kiss on the cheek "Remember, use protection!" Wendy shouted and just as she did Kenny showed up. She also realised Kenny was there so she covered her mouth and ran. You turned red because of the comment she made. "Use protection huh, what have you been telling your friends about me?" Kenny said with a wink. You laughed and realised he wasn't wearing his parka instead he was wearing a white button up shirt with the top buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up, his shirt was tucked into his jeans which were baggy and his converse obviously.

"You look stunning." He said admiring your beauty. "You look amazing." You said back to him. "Shall we m'lady." Kenny said again with another wink holding his hand out for you to grab. As you did so he took you over to a car which looked run down. However, you didn't mind Kenny was trying really hard.

Once you both arrived at the diner, he ran out the car and opened your car door. He put his hand on your lower back and you both walked into the diner. It wasn't cheap looking at all, in fact it looked almost..fancy? You were showed to your table which Kenny had booked. You both sad down opposite each other and the whole night you were cracking jokes and laughing. You probably both looked like freaks but you didn't care. You were happier with Kenny and nobody was going to ruin this for you. The waiter came over to you both and took your orders. This waiter was mainly talking to you and ignoring Kenny. You got kind of pissed when the waiter started walking away and didn't take Kenny's order so you spoke up.

"Hey excuse me! You didn't take my boyfriends order!" You said placing your hand on top his which was on top of the table. All Kenny could do was blush. The waiter looked annoyed and gritted his teeth. "What can I get you. Sir." Kenny ordered and once the waiter left he looked at you and smiled. "Thank you y/n." "I'll always look out for you ken." You both smiled and blushed. A few minutes later your food arrived. This time delivered by a different waiter. You both ate and couldn't stop laughing at stupid things for no reason. Once you had both finished a waiter brought you your check. You went to your bag to get money before you felt Kenny snatch your bag away. "What was that for?" You asked curious. "Y/n it's a date. I'm paying!" Kenny said. You felt awful. "Please can you let me help you even if it's like $5 pleasee." You begged. "Nope never."

Eventually you gave in and let him even though everything inside you told you to not let him. You both left linking arm in arm and got into the car. Kenny drove you home and walked you to the door. "Y/n i had the most amazing night, thank you so much." You hugged his waist. "I had amazing time too! And my moms still working so would you like to sleep over?" Kenny blushed and agreed. "Don't you have to tell your parents?" "They don't care where I am, but I do need some clothes and stuff so I'll be back in five minutes." You nodded and watched him get into the car driving to his house. You went upstairs to change into something more comfy. You decided on an oversized shirt with some shorts and a pair of fluffy socks.

You heard a knock at the door. Hm that's odd, Kenny left like two minutes ago. You walk downstairs to answer the door to see a person you really didn't want to see.

"Hello y/n. Long time no see.. let's talk."

A/n oooooo mystery person. This chapter is very long I'm sorry word count: 1700

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