Chapter 21: Secret Bonds

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"How could you have kept something this crucial from me?!" I glared into my brother's piercing green eyes. "How could you have kept from me that you and I are bonded?"

I also began to wonder how I did not remember this event in particular, but I would save that for later.

"I didn't think it mattered."

"That is such a lame ass excuse!" I shouted. "First, you keep from me that you're Superman, which explains why you practically ditched me when I needed you the most. Then it turns out dad was half-Kryptonian and that your father was his brother. And now you're telling me we're bonded?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry I kept it from you."

"I just want to know why, why all of these secrets? And don't tell me it was all to protect me because to be quite honest with you, I'm getting sick and tired of being protected."

"You're my little brother. It's my job to protect you and I will always do so!" Clark said in a strong tone.

"Instead of shielding me from these obvious dangers, you should start helping me face them!"

"I know and I'm sorry. I simply cannot help it when it comes to you. I love and care so much about you, it would devastate me if something bad happened to you" Clark said through teary eyes. "We already lost dad and I cannot stand the idea of losing you too!"

"Just explain to me how this bond came to be?"

Clark looked at my mom and knew he had turned the conversation over to her.

"When you were thirteen years old, you got sick and you almost died. But then your aunt Nour, suggested we bonded you to Clark. By combining your life energy with his, it would heal you."

"It was done using Harun-El, or Black Kryptonite" Clark said. "Which we managed to get a hold of from Argo City."

"Argo City?" I was suddenly confused.

"It's a piece of Krypton that survived the planet's destruction, using technology Aunt Alura and Uncle Zor-El created when the planet's impending doom became more evident."

"So you knew about Nour being of Kryptonian descent even then?" I asked, hoping it was not a lie.

"No, I didn't. I assumed then that she had knowledge of our culture but I did not know she was even Kryptonian."

"Okay, so at least you didn't lie about that" I said, only now realizing that Lois and Lucy had been quiet the entire time. "And how is it that I don't remember ever being sick, what illness did I get sick with?!"

"It was a rare Kryptonian virus, similar to SARS and COVID-19. But because you possess both human and Kryptonian DNA, it nearly killed you because of your human side" he said, which left me with more and more questions. "And you don't remember because of the effects the Harun-El had on you."

"You're just a pit of secrets, without a damn end!"

"Look, your brother is simply trying to look out for you. I'm not making excuses but all he's ever talked about was you and how much he loves and cares for you" said Lois.

"I want to know anything else I should know. Now is the time and I prefer to hear it from your lips than from someone else's" I said, trying to maintain my composure.

"When I was a baby, right before I was sent here, Zod attempted to bond himself to me and for a long time, I did not know it until my father's AI revealed it to me. Later, I found out he had succeeded and that's why I was having those bursts of anger."

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