Chapter 22: Attack of the Rogues

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            As I felt my stomach doing that flip-floppy thing from falling at tremendous speed, I began to think about Ozan and my dad, two people I missed terribly, and how much I wanted to see them again.

I weakly kept calling out my brother's name, feeling anguished, scared, and worst of all, betrayed.

Then I felt someone grab me and realized it was my brother, from the smell of his cologne, feeling the rush as he flew.

We then landed and it was nighttime all of a sudden. Then I realized we were standing over the Rock of Raouché – also known as the Pigeon's Rock – in the Mediterranean Ocean, in Beirut, country of birth.

He lied me down, gently, as I felt faint and dizzy. Everything was spinning and felt like I was drunk or high on marijuana or something.

"It's okay, you're okay" Clark said.

Moments later, the faintness began to dissipate and I slowly but surely felt normal. I looked up at my brother, smiling.

"Who did this to you?" he asked, his expression angry. "Was it Chris?"

"No, it was his mom."


"Yes, I was taking my walk and she cornered me. She started to belittle me and told me what she and Zod have planned for this planet."

"What exactly are their plans?"

"They want to enslave the human race and take over earth."

"Oh my God" he said, placing his hands over his mouth in disbelief. "I can't believe it."

"Well, believe it."

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I wanted to believe the best in her, even after revealing her true identity."

"I love her because she is also my aunt but when she revealed she was Kryptonian and how she's also married to your worst enemy, I knew something was not right."

"Again, you were right and I was wrong" he looked at me with those guilty eyes of his.

"So what are we going to do?"

"What do you mean by 'we'?"

"Uh, how about now knowing who you are and how Aunt Nour tried to make me go splat on the pavement from way up there" I pointed up. "You should know that whether either of us likes it or not, I'm involved in this and I'm going to do whatever to help stop her and Zod!"

"I don't want you getting involved in this...'

"CLARK!" I snapped, making him flinch. "You kept the truth from me for years and my supposed 'protection'...but I'm not a kid anymore and whether you like it or not, I am involved in this and my ass is as much on the line, as is yours! So start helping me face this danger, already!"

"I want to but I'm also worried for your safety."

"Clark, we're in this mess because you kept a lot from me. Well, you, mom, and dad, and I'm the idiot who learned everything far too late. My powers are awakening and while I don't want them, I'm beginning to realize I have no real choice in the much as that sucks."

"I'm sorry, again for keeping our bond a secret from you. How can I make it up to you?"

"How about you start telling me the truth and the whole truth and everything without skipping a beat!"

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