chapter 2

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It was an average Thursday at Station 19, nothing too special, Travis and Vic were going about their chores sharing their usual banter, Jack and Ben were cleaning the Engine while Dean worked on the Ladder. Sullivan, who had been demoted back to probie was spending another day stuck on desk duty as he stared at the captain's office and those closed blinds.

He knew there had been a replacement Battalion Chief who was supposed to start today, someone who had supposedly been transferred to Seattle, but that was all he and everyone at the station had heard. They didn't even have a name for the mysterious replacement or a face to put such a name to.

Everyone at the station knew it was just another day, and for them maybe it was but for the Captain this meant that the station and she had to be at their very best. Andy stepped out of her new office only having been promoted a few months ago.

She knew she was again not the first person for this job for the second time in her life. The first time it had been her best friend, and she felt nothing but betrayal coursing through her veins, she felt hurt that her best friend, someone she trusted smooch. had gone over her head and accepted the job. Andy Herrera had held a grudge.

Even after said best friend had moved away to a different city, letting no one know where she had gone, just disappearing away suddenly, Andy had held that grudge, but in the last 5 years it had turned into something more, hurt, possibly pain. She knew she had played a big part in the team ignoring Maya everyday and icing her out.

There was some part of Andy that had felt regretful. But she wouldn't let those feelings control her emotions, and so when the captain after Maya, Sean Becket, was fired for drinking on the job, Andy had once again thrown her hat in the ring for Captain.

But once again Andy Herrera found herself to be the second choice. Her own husband had chosen Theo Ruiz for captain and it had caused a strain on their marriage. Even if Theo had withdrawn because he had never wanted to be Captain again, Andy was hurt that Robert had yet picked another person over her.

Yet here she finally stood, the Captain of 19, owning her fathers legacy. Standing outside the station waiting for Chief Ross and the new Battalion Chief she couldn't help but be proud of herself a little, at how far she had come, but also knowing what she had lost. She did regret a lot of what had happened in the last 5 years but mostly she regretted not supporting her best friend when she had stood at the same place that Andy stood at now.

The sound of a car parking near her shook her out of her thoughts. She watched as Chief Ross stepped out on one side and a blonde woman who she assumed to be the new Battalion Chief, considering the uniform, stepped out on the other. But as the woman turned around to face her she saw the one face she was convinced she would never see again.


Maya knew that she would eventually have to visit 19 and face the team. This was her third station after visiting 20 and 22 she knew what was coming next, so as Captain Ross went on and on about 19 and their captain Maya couldn't help as dread filled her thoughts. She had looked towards her phone staring at the lock screen which was a picture of her and Carina to give her some semblance of peace.

Her wife must've somehow known about Maya's conflict as a message by her popped up onto Maya's screen.

mia moglie: good luck with the team bambina, I'm sure you're going to do great <3

The smile that sported Maya's face then was one of love and pure adoration, anyone who saw Maya in that moment would know she was lovestruck.

bambina: thank you babe

bambina: I hope your days going better than mine

bambina: ti amo e mi manchi Car <3

And with that she set her phone down looking towards the road again as station 19, a place she had once considered home, came into view. She could see someone standing outside as she got closer and closer and suddenly her old best friend's face was clear in front of her.

So she had made captain after all. Maya's honest reaction at first was bitterness knowing how Andy had treated her but overall she was happy for the woman knowing that this was what she had always wanted, to live up to her fathers name and legacy as captain.

Maya stepped out of the car and turned around seeing the slightly shocked look on Andys face that she had tried to keep in as she scanned Maya's face, badge and uniform. It felt weird to see Andy again but Maya was glad that Chief Ross was there to move things forward and somewhat break the tension.

"Captain Herrera. Always a pleasure to see you" she addressed Andy and then turned back towards Maya, "This is your new Battalion Chief Maya Bishop, she'll be overlooking you station starting today" she said while still talking to Andy.

"Now Chief Bishop, I am aware that you were once captain of this station for a short period of time so introductions might not be necessary, but it is still part of my job to introduce you to the team" Maya nodded and followed behind her Chief not looking back at Andy even once. She could hear footsteps behind her which meant Andy had followed them inside too.

The first thing she noticed as she stepped inside was how familiar the place felt and yet nothing was the same. She heard Andy calling the team for a line-up followed by the teams footsteps as they entered the barn. Again it struck her oddly how the whole team had instantly presented themselves without an objection, something they had never done while Maya was Captain.

Chief Ross finally cleared her throat as heads turned towards them and as the team finally registered who was standing in front of them next to their chief. Maya tried to hold her head high, she was not and would never be ashamed of how she became Captain, or how she ran away when it got tough because it had meant she had met Carina, and at this moment it was Carinas voice that urged her to look her old team, her old family in the eyes.

The look of surprise was evident as Chief Ross said "This is Battalion Chief Bishop, and she has been assigned to this station along with others. From the look on all of your faces I can conclude that most of you already know her, but for those of you that do not. She has just moved here from LA where she was a fine fire captain, and I expect nothing more from her than to be a fine Battalion Chief."

Hearing all of this Maya couldn't help but straighten her shoulders a little as Chief Ross continued, "And so I would like for you all to show her respect as your new Battalion Chief and make her feel at home.", there was that word again home.

Maya knew that the chief had meant nothing by it but it had stung either way, she knew she had to give her own introduction which is what she had done at all of the other stations she had visited but she just couldn't open her mouth and make any words come out.

She could feel Chief Ross's eyes on her and then back on the team as she yelled "DISMISSED", as the team started walking away, already talking to each other about what they had just witnessed.

"It's okay I understand talking to your old team can be hard, especially since you were once one of them, but you will need to deal with all of this soon if you want to be a Battalion Chief for this team, your record speaks for itself Bishop, it's the reason I vouched for you and not anyone else for this team. Please don't let me down." she said, turning towards Maya once more.

"Yes Chief, this won't happen again I assure you" Maya nodded.

"Good now let's make sure you are shown around and that you get settled in"

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