chapter 3

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"Was that who I think it was or is this all some weird alternate reality where Maya Bishop was standing in the barn being introduced to us as Battalion Chief" Vic said to Ben and Travis as they walked back towards their lockers.

"It was definitely her alright" Travis replied back, "Did anyone know she was back in Seattle? or that she was apparently promoted to a Battalion Chief?"

"I think from the look on Andy's face she didn't know either" Ben added in but went silent as he spotted Andy walking past them making a beeline towards the beanery where Ross was still conversing with Maya.

"Am I the only one who's not surprised that Bishop is a Battalion Chief now? I always knew she'd be the first one of us to make it there. I may be surprised that she's back in Seattle but her success is no shock to any of us, let's be honest" Jack said as he walked towards them, slumping down on a bench.

The other three looked at him before nodding their heads understanding what the Lieutenant was saying. Maya Bishop had always been a leader even if the team didn't see it at first. After she had left them and the station only then had they understood what they had lost.

Their old captain, Beckett, wasn't exactly what either of them would describe as an ideal captain. Andy was better but she was too clouded by what her dad had wanted, long enough to become her own captain. But Maya? Maya Bishop was born to lead and the team at 19 knew and recognized that now.


After Ross had shown her around, explaining to Maya where everything was, most of which Maya already knew, but she welcomed the thought anyways, Maya had gone ahead to her office and had started to organize, something she did best.

A familiar ding of an incoming text shook her out of her spiral

mia moglie: si, my day is going well bambina, I can tell you more if you are free to call?

bambina: for you? always my love.

Maya had typed out the text, hit send and instantly hit the call icon next to her wife's contact. Carina's voice filled her ears and she let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding. "Ciao bella, I missed you today"

"Believe me Car I miss you just as much if not more" she smiled slowly. "So how was Grey-Sloan? Did Andrew show you around and keep you company or do I need to send a strongly worded text to my brother-in-law?"

Carina laughed and Maya thought there was never a sound more beautiful. "Andrea has been perfect the whole day, don't go around threatening my fratellino" Carina's voice was all teasing and no threat and Maya couldn't help but swoon.

"What about you, amore? how's the team been" Maya sighed, she knew Carina didn't particularly like anyone from 19 even if she had never met them. "It's been rough I've barely said a word to any of them but none of them have approached me either"

Just as she said that a knock sounded on the door and it was loud enough that she knew Carina heard it

"I'm sorry bella I wish I could make this all better for you, it's their loss not wanting to know the beautiful soul that you are. But bambina don't try to close yourself off, you have to spend time with these people a lot no? If they're going to be part of your team you need to at least communicate" and once again Carina was right just like she always was and always would be.

Maya would always be amazed by how her wife knew exactly the right thing to say at the right time. "My shift is over at 7, I'll see you at home bella, maybe I can make your day end on a better note si?" and just like that it was back to teasing with Carina as Maya felt her cheeks redden.

"I would love nothing more, my love. I'll see you at home Ciao ". Maya waited as Carina said goodbye and then hung up before standing up straight as another knock sounded saying "Come in".

She doesn't know who she expected it to be but it wasn't Jack Gibson.


Jack and Maya had never really been together before Maya had been promoted to captain putting an end to whatever it was that they had shared. Jack had been a bit bitter, the captain's race was after all his too, something everyone seemed to forget.

Of cource he had been bitter about not getting the captain position but it wasn't really about that for him, it was more the way Maya had left him high and dry, but with time he had developed and understanding. He knew he and Maya had never shared anything particularly romantic, they were never really together, she wasn't an ex to him just a fling that in the end didn't really mean much to either of them.

So Jack stood outside the Battalion Chief's office wanting nothing more than to say all of this to Maya and just talk to her as what he had once been to her, a friend, and congratulate her on her new position.

As he opened the door he could tell Maya was surprised to see him, she looked like she had expected anyone but him, maybe even Andy considering she was captain, but Jack didn't let that derail his plans.

"Hey Chief" he said with a little smile on his face letting Maya know he didn't hold anything against her.

"Gibson?" Maya was confused; she had no idea why Jack was standing outside her office looking like he didn't hate her guts like he had 5 years ago.

"Just checking on how you were settling in," the lieutenant said, looking behind her at her office.

"Just fine Gibson, you know you should really get back to your chores I'm not really sure your captain would appreciate you wasting your time standing here" and there it was, Maya had needed to know if the team had still held her promotion against her, if the team still thought Andy would've been a better choice.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind since I was helping out our new Battalion Chief, which I'm happy for you by the way you deserve this more than any of us" Jack whispered out and Maya finally reply looked at Jack and that proud look on his face and let out a smile of her own "Thank You Gibson" and then straightened out her expression again to say "Now go downstairs and finish your chores, that's an order" letting a grin fall into her face at the end.

"Yes Chief" he saluted and walked away and all Maya could do was laugh lightly and close the door returning to her desk slumping down in her chair thinking maybe the day wasn't going to be that bad.


Meanwhile Andy was in her office thinking over everything that had happened. She decided to take a walk upstairs and get a cup of coffee from the beanery hoping she wouldn't run into Maya. She was just about to head downstairs again when she saw Jack leaving Maya's office with a smile on his face.

Unbelievable. Mya hadn't even been back a day and everything felt like it had gone back to the way it was before. She couldn't believe that she found herself again in the same position she was 5 years ago, even after she was Captain there was always something Maya had that she did not.

It wasn't really Jack, she had gotten over him a long time ago, it was the fact that she thought she and Jack were good now, they were friends, and she doesn't know how Jack had run back to Maya knowing how she had left.

The Captain had pretty much decided at this point that she didn't want to give Maya another chance, because Maya would never change, she would always go after her medal while leaving everyone she cared about behind, and Andy had enough of it. 

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