The Family Reunion

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I open my eyes in completely different environment that I had been before with the only thing being common in between was the seashore and the water surrounding me everywhere . The raging storm , the furious winds and torrential rain were now replaced by a serene atmosphere that would provide tranquillity to even the most unsettled of the minds . The surroundings appeared similar yet different and an unusual silence being present currently given the morning hours when sun was already up in the sky . Appreciation of nature was perhaps the only thing that would enter the mind of a man used to usual hustle of township but very soon I realized that I wasn't alone here contrary to my initial belief . Two divine looking individuals a man and a woman emerged  on both my sides coming together simultaneously into my field of vision .

The man was handsome with flawless features with four faces thereby appearing similar to the creator of the universe Lord Brahma . He also possessed four hands like the Preserver of universe Lord Vishnu but thing that differentiated him from both the above was his eyes . The man in front of me dressed in golden cloak emboldened by jewelleries and blue-white Dhoti had a thousand eyes giving out his identity to be that of the creator of rules of the universe and the lord of water bodies , Varuna Deva . Once I recognized him , bowing down before him almost came over as a reflex as I took the blessings of the patron God of the physicians . He blessed me whole heartedly with emotions overflowing when he embraced me as though a father blessing his own son . I reciprocated the embrace despite being astonished at this sudden display of affection but my curiosity received its answers as the lord of the moral law claimed himself to be my father .

Though perplexed with this new found information I didn't let it become evident on my face and waited patiently to absorb as much as I could know from Him . My father went on to say many things from which I came to know about my current position in a different era than from which I was a few moments ago . My only solace being having a father to follow in this relatively unknown era of which my idea is limited to the scriptures available at my time . However as they say , information is the key to power and having a fair amount of that of future is an asset for anyone . Hence  I would perhaps fare better than the one who was destined to be here .

My attention moved towards the lady who was wearing a saree of bluish white hue and enamoured with jewelleries befitting goddesses who was introduced by my father as his wife and my mother  who was instrumental in my creation . Mother is someone who is easily identifiable from the emotions displayed in her eyes and perhaps I should have guessed her prior to formal introduction . The almighty bows before mother and am perhaps  nothing in front of them . This family reunion is perhaps something which was a long lost dream for me in last life that got fulfilled now and that too in a great possible way . Now it was a new beginning for me and a new identity too as my newfound parents took the honours to name their son as  Shrutayudha .

Kalingaveera Varunaputra ShrutayudhaWhere stories live. Discover now