The Propaganda Warfare

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The previous battles against the stalwarts of Hastinapur had been a cakewalk for me with minimal damage to my motherland . But the upcoming storm that was approaching us was somewhat that could threaten the very existence of the happy going people of the land . Kalinga is the coastal land that had stood tall despite numerous such storms and would keep doing so . But the massacre at the banks of river Daya at the hands of a tyrant king was something that the people from my previous timeline were aware of quite well . And perhaps the history was going to be rewritten courtesy my interventions as a huge mammoth seem to be approaching the thin strip of land restricted by the seas , to engulf it in one go . 

The very presence of the Preserver of the universe in the opponent army is something that can demoralize even the Gods . And these people being mere mortals were in awe of the enigmatic man of Dwarka . Tension was evident in every household in the land as the spies had reported the involvement of Dwarka . No matter how much you try to prevent such news from reaching the public , it somehow finds the way out . To add up to the misery was the news of the  premature deaths of our sureshot allies possibly due to interventions of the legendary son of Devaki. Even our other possible allies had been intelligently removed from the equation in their favour as far as the rumors that reached our ears .

The only hope standing with us now is we ourselves . Self help is the best help as we can never ever depend on anyone to protect ourselves without paying a price . The options available now  include that of Pragyotisha and Shonitpura . But their rulers aren't humane enough to be relied upon . They could possibly distract the Krishna's Narayani Sena . But they aren't going to do so easily without us offering them something in return . Narakasura,  the King of Pragyotisha is famous for abduction of women using his demon army while Banasura , the King of Shonitpura was though religious like his father wasn't someone who would help mortals . Only one man could convince them however was my Guru and father in law , Shukracharya . 

Taking the help of the demons against humans too doesn't seem ethical , though I am not very adherent of the rules of the war . But protecting my motherland is something that was my first priority . Hence I needed to plan things in a such a way that I could safeguard Kalinga from both the approaching armies and the demons . Narakasura was someone who could decimate any warrior in the battlefield as he had the boon to be killed only by his mother . While Banasura had the protection of the Kailasha divine family making him almost invincible . But involving them without asking for help directly was something that I was thinking about . 

Hastinapur had brought its entire army along with Dwarka's Narayani Sena and other allies . Panchal , Chedi , Magadha , Anga , Kashi , Vidarbha , Pundravardhana , Bahlika , Kekaya and Madra were the notable allies of Hastinapur and Dwarka that had rallied alongside them .  Each kingdom had brought with themselves a battalion of an akshouni size . While Narayani sena itself was itself eleven akshouni in size . Each soldier of the Narayani sena was as powerful as that of a thousand common soldiers. The only way to counter such a powerful army was to go all out into the battlefield and perhaps we have to do the same .

The best way to fight a huge army is to reduce its size and dividing it into fragments . The approaching army has come with intention of ravishing Kalinga and hence we needed to place speed breakers on its path . Narakasura was given the news of the armies of the kingdoms leaving for a common agenda by a few spies . The hunger for power coupled with absence of the likes of Kamsa and Jarasandha in the mainframe of politics of Jambudwipa ,  the Bhoomiputra began his conquest along with a battalion of demons . Another set of spies were entrusted with dropping the news of Narakasura attacking the defenseless kingdoms in absence of their armies and commanders , in the camps of allies of Kurus . 

The act of using the weakness of Narakasura paid off as the Bhauma proceeded to capture the sovereign territories along with his son Bhagadatta and commander Mura . The terror of Naraka enforced most of Kuru allies to retreat from midway so as to stop the indomitable demon from attacking their kingdoms and capturing their women folk. With exception of Dwarka everyone was backing out from the plans to attack Kalinga. Krishna sensed the changing dynamics and realised that it could have been the work of the new player . The entry of Pragyotisha into the political mess at this point of time wasn't something that he wanted yet had to face it . 

Dwarka was assured of its protection owing to the Yadavas while Krishna was confident that Narakasura would meet his fate at the hands of Satyabhama , the daughter of Satrajit who was a treasurer of Dwarka . Satyabhama being the Incarnation of the mother of Naraka was destined to kill him but the timing was supposed to be not so early . However same couldn't be said of other kingdoms many of which had no potential ones to defend . Hence Dwarka had to let the allies retreat . However by sending a part of Narayani sena with them he ensured their obligation . In the meanwhile he sent messengers towards Satyabhama informing her to take things under control as soon as possible . Until then Balarama took the responsibility to handle Narakasura midway along with the Kuru allies . 

The next job for us was to get Banasura into action so that we could stop the Hastinapur and Dwarka army in their path towards Kalinga . The son of Bali was a religious person and wasn't supposed to attack Krishna unless his daughter was involved . But misinformation and rumors can do a lot of job in any era . Hence we spread out the rumors of the death of Narakasura at the hands of Krishna and that he was destroying every demon on the way to Shonitpura . Naraka along with kamsa were previous allies of Banasura and hence this enraged the devotee of Shiva . To protect his kingdom as well as the clan of Asuras , the great grandson of Prahlada vowed to finish off the adorable one of his father . The heavily armoured demon army of Shonitpura met the armies of Kurus and Yadavas led by Krishna in the outskirts of Magadha . The job of propaganda warfare was done pretty well by the spies of Kalinga as we prepared for the upcoming battle in near future .

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