The Changing World Order

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The two battles fought in the outskirts of Kalinga had shaken the world order .  The illustrious Kuruvanshis who were overwhelming the rest along with the Yadavas had their reputation been blown away . Along with them perished a few dynasties like that of Sindhudesh and the newly established Northern Panchal . The newly created province of Anga too had lost the presence of its glorious king for days . The victorious Kalinga hadn't occupied the rulerless provinces yet . This brought up opportunity for the neighboring kingdoms to snatch them effortlessly and expand their geographic territory . Someone's loss is always someone else's gain and hence the silent spectators gained from the defeated nation .

The most delighted one of the lot was the erstwhile king of undivided Panchal , Drupada who immediately reclaimed his lost territory after receiving the news of death of his childhood friend turned foe . Drona had insulted him gravely by virtue of the crushing defeat at the hands of his students . He was so affected by the loss that he underwent a sacrifice to beget a son who could kill Drona . The sacrificial altar bestowed upon him a warrior son and a bewitching daughter as a byproduct . He named them Dhristadyumna and Draupadi respectively . He had another daughter beforehand as well named Shikhandini who had led his troops to capture the Kuru princes before being defeated by the demigod sons of Kunti .

Shikhandini was born with an ulterior motive to be the bane of Bheeshma . Her past life as the princess Amba of Kashi was messed up by the great scion of Kuru who abducted her along with her sisters against her will . The news of attempted abduction of the princess of Kalinga had literally resurfaced her unhealed wounds . The solace being that this time someone stood up formly for the damsel in distress like a real man against the son of Ganga . Amba had begged almost each and every kingdom for her help but nobody complied to even consider raising their voice against the disciple of Parshurama . Not even Parshurama was able to humble his very own student in the battlefield . But today the day had come that an enigma had taken even the patriarch of Kurus into surprise . The enigma from the eastern ghats of Kalinga not only defeated the majestic warrior but also imprisoned him , a feat that even Gods didn't dare . She was steadying herself as her whole body was feeling the goosebumps with the prospects of both achieving her goal and meeting the man who tamed the terrible one .

Drupad had planned to attack Drona once he could train his son to perfection

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Drupad had planned to attack Drona once he could train his son to perfection . But now since there was no Drona he took over his lost ground with ease . Burden of killing a Brahmin wasn't going to be on them either . This made him literally the happiest man on earth though the purpose of birth of his son was achieved by someone else . However the one who could defeat both Bheeshma and Drona together in the battlefield was someone whom the Panchal king wanted to have an alliance with . Kalinga , which was once an ignored entity had now gathered the forefront for alliances and Panchal was among one of the desperate ones to be involved . He had planned to marry off his beautiful daughter , Draupadi to the valourous son of Indra , Arjuna . But now he was having second thoughts about it . Though he had another daughter, Draupadi was someone who would be chosen over easily being the more beautiful one . Hence he wanted to take no risk with the alliance and straightway put forth the proposal once the things settled down . And before that he was eager to support Kalinga as the remnants of Kuru were planning another strife .

Jarasandha , the King of Magadha too had got an ideal chance to capture the vacant throne of Anga and advance his territory westwards

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Jarasandha , the King of Magadha too had got an ideal chance to capture the vacant throne of Anga and advance his territory westwards . He had gathered a strong position in the east and was hence skeptical about the new saviour of Kalinga . He was one of those present at the Swayamvar of the princess of Kalinga and had hence witnessed the valour of an unheard illusionist who reminded him of his eternal foe Krishna , the who had escaped all his ploys gracefully . Now the kingdom of Kalinga has been able to thwart the efforts of Hastinapur and its allies effortlessly not once but twice owing to the new addition in their arsenal . The back to back defeats of Hastinapur has thrown the game wide open . He knows very well that Dwarka might side with them and he would get a perfect opportunity to extract his revenge if he joins hand with the king of Kalinga . If required he can strike an alliance as well .

In the meanwhile the think-tank of Hastinapur were in a dilemma . The patriarch of their clan was imprisoned leading to a severe jolt to their backbone . On the other hand the sons of Kunti were enraged at the death of their venerable teacher . They wanted revenge . The defeat of Bheeshma had made Dhritarastra think twice before attacking again . However Shakuni did his very best to fuel the fire within the hearts of the Pandavas . After much debate the help of Dwarka was sought . The Yadavas of Vrishni clan were relatives of the Kurus via Kunti and were in a crossroads as well . They didn't want more bloodshed after having emigrated to a new place and wanted the two parties to sort things by diplomacy . Balaram was eager to help his cousins but Krishna was a bit skeptical about the development . He already had the information about the son of Varuna from Indra but wasn't sure how this presumed to be insignificant warrior turned out to be a force to reckon with .

In the end they had to comply to a unanimous decision after a lot of persuasion from their father . Even Shalya the king of Madra supported the Kurus for his nephews Nakul and Sahadeva . The changing world order had divided it into two groups . The bigger fraction still lied with the Kurus but the support of Panchal and Magadha made Kalinga look invincible .  The allies of Magadha too , the ones humble by Krishna like Rukmi and Shishupala were inclined towards the side of Kalinga . But a lot could be changed with the entry of the mastermind of the political game as the partipation of Dwarka boosted the confidence of the remnants of Hastinapur army .

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