Teleportation/Orbing/Floo... Whatever

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Fred and Leah arrived at the Leaky Cauldron at a quarter to ten, the shabby tavern almost empty. She took a seat at the bar, Fred sitting down next on her as Tom walked over.

"What can I get you, miss Leah?" He asked as she looked over the menu.

"You should order a butterbeer." He whispered as he leaned closer.

"A butterbeer please." She said handing the menu to the older man. Tom waved his wand and a butterbeer flew over, pouring itself in a glass, before it landed with a soft thud in front of her. She looked at Fred, who nodded excitingly, before grabbing the glass and took a small sip. "Wow." Her eyes getting wide. "This is really good!"

"I know! You should try fire whiskey next."

"At ten in the morning? Maybe later." She snickered. She saw Tom watching her from where he was washing glasses. She pretended to take another sip from her glass and whispered. "I'm being watched."

Fred frowned at her before his eyes fell on Tom, who was indeed watching her, with a slight frown. "Tom is a – little off. He won't say anything, he doesn't dare to defy George."

"What kind of reputation do you guys have?" She looked away from Tom to Fred.

"The best one." An almost identical voice from the man in front of her, came from behind her. She turned and saw a grinning George, sitting next to her other side. "How do you like the butterbeer?"

"It's great, we should really have some too."

"When you're done, we'll head up to the flat. I don't want anyone here to know where we are going." George said looking around the tavern. "Is he here?"

"Yes, you're sitting on him." George immediately jumped up, muttering sorry, sorry. Leah fell into a fit of laughter. Fred looked at her in awe, before laughing himself. "I'm joking. He is sitting here."

George pursed his lips at her, before letting out a full-blown belly laugh. "You got me! You're funny." He said with a twinkle in his eye. When Leah drank the last of her butterbeer, Fred saw George looking 'at' him, giving him a knowing wink.

"How much is it?" She asked Tom.

"Don't worry about it." George waved her off and dragged her out the bar.

"GEORGE, ugh, never mind." She whispered the next part. "We need to show you something."

"Alright. Minnie isn't expecting us until 11. We've got time."

"Great." She said looking from Fred to the shops. "One day one of you will show me around this place."

"I'll leave the honours to dear old Freddie."

"A tour with a ghost in a magic community. I think if they hear me talking to myself, I would be put away in an asylum, even here." She chuckled.

"What's an asylum?" The twins asked.

"Never mind." She waved them off with a smile "Is Hermione working?"

"No, why?"

"Well, if she sees me again, what will be your excuse then?"

"Oh right. But she thinks we are working on a business deal. And you told her you and Fred were friends, so with association, me. Now that she knows that it definitely wasn't a date, we're good."

"So, you told her how you feel?"

George pretended he didn't hear her and opened the door to the shop. Fred and Leah looked at each other, before rolling their eyes.

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