A Muggle in the Castle

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"Here, push George in!" Fred nearly yelled as they passed a door. When the door of Minerva's office closed behind them, they walked in silence down the spiral staircase. George talked the whole time they walked through the castle, seeing young students pass, as he told tales about their days here. Leah was only half listening as she kept glancing at Fred, who looked pale. So, when Fred suddenly yelled, she pushed the second twin to the door.

"Oh... Hey. Leah!" George called out as she pushed him in the room. "Why did you push me in a cupboard?"

"Can you put a silencing thing around the room?" She asked in a hurry. George frowned before pulling out his wand and cast the spell.

"Done, now- "

"Minerva saw Fred!"


"She locked her eyes with Fred. How is that possible?"

"I- I don't know."

"Maybe it's because she's an Animagus."

"What the hell is an Animagus?!"

"Yeah, Fred you might be right." George said, as he started pacing the small room. "Maybe we should tell her, she could really help us out."

"There is something else." Leah whispered. George stopped his pacing and looked at her worried. "When we were going through the floo... George, I felt him. I felt his hand in mine."

"I felt yours too." Fred whispered, stepping close to her.

"And he felt mine." She repeated, looking up to the ghost in front of her.

"I really think we should bring Minnie into this."

"Fred agrees."

"And you?" George asked attentively.

"It doesn't really matter what I think, does it?"

"Of course, it does, without you, nothing like this would have happened!"

"No, I mean. I don't know anything about this world, about magic and ghosts. I don't know Minerva. And if you two say we should bring her in, I fully trust you."

"You do?" They asked surprised.

"Yeah..." She said unsure now. "Did I make a wrong judgement call?"

"Not at all!" George grinned. Then a soft knock came from the door. George and Leah looked at each other, eyes wide, before George slowly opened the door. "Minnie?"

The headmistress walked in and closed the door, preforming another silencing spell on the room. The three of them looked at her in surprise, neither of them knowing what to say.

"Care to explain?" She asked.

"Who do you see?" Leah asked bluntly. The headmistress looked at her for a second before she looked to George.

"George, you and what I presume the ghost of Fred Weasley." She said cocking her head to the left. "But I don't see him fully, I see an aura."

"She sounds like Luna." Fred said, grinning

"You sound like Luna." George said at the same time, the same expression on his face.

"Sometimes you have to look at things differently. Miss Derijker- "

"Call me Leah."

"Right, Leah." She smiled. "You can see him?"

"Yes, but I don't know why. George can't and he is his twin."

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