A Long Overdue Cry

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Leah lowered the letter, gazing in the distance before her, her eyes glossed over. The twins both with the same expression on their face. She let the letter fall out of her hands, letting is float to the floor before she put her head in her hands. The twins came out of their own stupor and watched her with worry.

"Immense power?" She said with a shaken, slightly muffled voice. She looked up at the twins. "They are surely mistaken. I don't have any powers!"

"Do you remember what Minnie said? About it being dormant? It's exactly like your grandmother described."

"But you told me, your ministry registers people with magic abilities. Shouldn't I be in there? Shouldn't I have gone to Hogwarts?"

George pondered her question for a moment, opening his mouth and shutting it again, looking like a fish.

"I still think it's possible." Fred started slowly, trying to get the wording right. "Like it said, it's been dormant for over 100 years, your grandmother had the sight but not in full form, just like Trelawny. You probably have it in you but need something to bring it out."

Before Leah could reply, George suddenly spoke up. "Maybe it's too far hidden in you for anyone to register."

"Fred already said something like that." She chuckled at George.

"Oh. Well yeah, great minds think alike." He grinned at her.

"What's the difference between a prophecy and vision?"

"Visions are flashes, images that appear in your head, most likely to come true. A prophecy is when a Seer begins reciting it involuntarily, entering into a trance-like state and uttering the words in a different voice from their own, they have no recollection of it after wards." George told.

"So, someone was there in the room when it happened? Otherwise, she wouldn't remember right?"

"I assume so. In rare occasions they still have flashes of the prophecy in their heads and since Cassandra was one of the great Seers, it wouldn't surprise me." He picked up the letter from the ground and tucked it back in the envelop. "Do you want to continue?"

"No, this was enough for now. Need to process all of this first and if we stay gone any longer, I think your mum will hunt us down." She chuckled as she pushed herself off the ground. George collected the contents of the box and put everything in it, before he shrunk it down, so it could fit in the palm of her hand.

"Thanks, that's handy." She smiled taking the tiny chest from him and put it in het bag.

"Great for smuggling." Fred whispered in her ear.

"Smuggling? What did you smuggle?"

George laughed boomed through the attic. "I think we need to catch you up on our last year at Hogwarts." George wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked down the stairs.

"We should put the covers back, just in case." She said looking around as they reached the ground floor.

"Give me a second." George smiled and took his wand out of his back pocket and waved it in the air. The blankets flew up from the stack in the corner as started to cover every single surface. "What's the plan anyways? For the house?"

"Oh." She said walking out. "They're still working on her will, so we don't know what her last wish is."

"It would be a shame to sell it. It's a beautiful home."

"Yeah, I always loved this house. It feels more like my home than my parents'."

"And the garden." George whistled. "Did you see that, Freddie? With some muggle repellent-"

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