A Pensieve Filled With Memories

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"Who in the bloody hell is ringing at my door in the middle of the night." George grumbled like an old man, putting on his bathrobe. He stumbled down the stairs, wand in his hand as he pushed open the door. "Hello?" Fred reached over a tussled his hair. "Fred?" George frowned as he looked in the empty alley. "Where is Leah?"

Fred sighed as he gave his hair another tug to get him up the stairs. George looked in the alley again before he closed the door and walked up behind Fred. He grabbed a quill and paper from the dresser and put it on the table as he took a seat on one of the chairs. Fred sat down in front of him as he grabbed the pen.

"Fred, what happened? Where is Leah? Is she okay?" George rushed the questions, afraid something horrible had happened.

I screwed up! We bumped into her ex at the party, and we were in the bathroom talking over what happened and she ...

"She what?" George asked impatiently as he stopped writing.

She told me I was the only one she would spend her birthday with, the only one she wants to spend her time with.

" That's great! Oh wait, you said you screwed up."

She told me so easily and I was in shock, I guess?

" But you feel the same."

I do, but I don't know what came over me, maybe because I don't want her to put her life on hold for me, I don't know. So, I answered that she would want to spend it with you too.

" Fucking idiot"

That's exactly what I said to myself when she walked out.

" If I could, I would hit you on the head! Merlin, Fred! But how are you even here without her?"

We got separated at the party, a door closed between us. When Leah opened it again, I was still there. When she saw I wouldn't disappear, she ran out the house. I caught up with her at the bridge, then a motorcycle startled her, and she went over the railing.

"Oh fuck! Is she okay?"

I caught her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back. I could feel her, George! She could feel me.

George looked at the piece of paper on the table, shocked.

She told me, since I wasn't tied to her anymore, that I should go to you. She thinks I played her, that I pretended to like her to get her help. She doesn't want us coming to McGonagall this Sunday.

" Why didn't you just tell her the truth right then and there?" George yelled angry as he jumped up from his seat, the chair falling to the ground behind him. "You know you just lost the girl of your dreams just because you couldn't own up!"

George picked his wand up from the table and disapparated. Fred looked at the place George had disappeared before he threw the pen away and rested his head on his arms, tears starting to wet his arms. A few minutes later the same POP sounded.

"She's not at her flat." George sighed. "Where could she be?"

Her parents? But I only know she grew up in Hampstead.

" Let's wait until tomorrow. I can send Stella after her or send a Patronus. You better think about how you're going to make this right." George walked to the dresser and pulled out a package out of the top drawer. "Here is the present you wanted me to get her." He tossed the little box on the table. "Night, Fred"

Fred watched his twin walk in his room and close the door. He had never seen him so mad at least not directed to him before. He knew he had screwed up big time even before George got so mad. He looked at the present on the table as he wiped the tears from his cheek.

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