Who would have thought... the Weasley twins studying in the library.

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The library was grand and beautiful, just like you would expect in a castle. Still, it didn't compare to Abbey library of St. Gall in Switzerland or was as big as the Bodleian library of Oxford. But what those libraries didn't have were books flying across the room, shelving themselves and floating down on the large desk in the middle of the library were McGonagall was sitting at. When the librarian saw them walk in, she gave short nod and walked out the room, closing the door behind her.

When the door closed with a thump that echoed across the empty library, Minerva looked up from her book. "Ah, Leah. How do you feel?" She asked, standing up as they reached the desk.

"I feel better, thank you."

"Did you eat?"

"Yes, George made me." She shot a playful glare his way.

"You had us quite worried there. Are you sure you can handle this today?"

"Yes. It was just a lot to take in. Madam Pomfrey gave me another bottle of that calming potion."

Minerva observed her for a bit before pulling out a chair. When the three of them were seated, George next to Minerva and Leah and Fred across from them, Minerva pushed several stacks to each of them, hesitating at the chair were Fred sat.

"He can help. I'll just place the right book in front of him and he can flip through it himself."

Minerva and George looked at the book Leah placed in front of him and saw it flip open with ease.

"Alright. Mr. Weasley, we have the books about ghosts. Leah, you have the few we have about psychics or the supernatural, like you call it and linked magic and Mr. Weasley-" she looked in Fred's direction. "You have the ones on scars. Just write down everything you think could be related."

Fred looked at Leah as she pulled out her notebook and a pen. "Just tell me when you find something." She grinned at Fred, who gave her a lopsided smile.

And then they began, they started reading book after book. The only sound in the library was the turning of pages or the writing on paper. After every book she read she placed it on the ground. Two stacks formed, one where there was useful information in, and the other stack was completely useless. Sadly, the latter was way higher than the first.

Leah stomach just started to rumble when a crack echoed in the silent library. She looked up from her book, startled. A creature had appeared next to Minerva. It had thin arms and legs and was not even a meter tall with large floppy ears and bulging eyes, wearing a dark green dress.

"Headmistress McGonagall. We have lunch prepared for you and your guests. Do you want me to deliver it here?"

"Yes, Ollie. You can send it here." The creature named Ollie, bowed deep before disappearing with the same crack, that echoed in the library once again. Before she had the chance to ask about it, food appeared on their table, spread between the books that were still lying on the table. The table was covered with sandwiches, pastries and pumpkin juice. She glanced around the table and saw George eagerly take two sandwiches before she turned to Minerva.

"What just happened?" She had a hard time not to curse in front of the older witch. "What was that?"

"That was a house elf." Minerva said calmly taking a pastry from the plate in front of her. "They work here in the kitchens and keep the castle clean. They have magic of their own, so that's why it looked like the food appeared out of nowhere."

"A house elf?" She repeated softly, in disbelief. She glanced over to the ghost next to her, who looked longing at the food in front of him. "Are you okay?"

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