Potion of Truth

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Fred and George were nervously tapping their feet as they glanced at the clock, when suddenly a Patronus appeared in front of them. The silver cat opened its mouth and the voice of Minerva McGonagall echoed through the silent flat.

"George, Fred. Can you come to Hogwarts? The floo is open, something happened."

Fred and George never been so quick on their feet as panic coursed through their bodies. When the Patronus disappeared, George looked around the room. "Fred, do you think you can floo with me too?"

Fred bent down and hurriedly wrote down his reply. I don't know, but if I have to, I'll walk there!

" Let's try it before you go on a days walk." George mustered a chuckle before he turned serious and walked to the floo, grabbing floo powder along the way. When he stepped in, he waited until Fred gave him the familiar tug on his hair.

Fred closed his eyes as he concentrated on Leah, trying not to think of what might have happened to her, if she was hurt or worse, just him wanting to be with her. And even before George threw down the floo powder, he was gone.

When he opened his eyes, he was standing in McGonagall's office. He looked around surprised, but he didn't have to look far to find the girl that made his heart beats faster. She was lying in front of him on a transfigured cot in front of Minnie's desk. His heart stopped as he fell to his knees beside her.

"Leah." He whispered.

"Fred?" Minerva said as she suddenly noticed his aura on the other side of the cot. "Where is George?"

Before Fred could do anything to tell her, the floo roared behind him as George ran towards Leah. "What happened?" George asked as he kneeled down next to McGonagall, Fred giving his hair a tug to let him know he was there.

"She took the potion, to see if there is any magic in her, she was supposed to be in a trance like state for a couple of minutes, but her eyes fell shut and I haven't been able to wake her up, Poppy came over to look her over but couldn't do anything."

Fred leaned closer, so his head touched hers, really touch. "Wake up." He said with a trembling voice.

"Is she going to wake up?"

"I honestly don't know." Minerva said honestly with a small voice.

"She has magic in her right? Didn't you read the letters? Magic saved her once before." George said grabbing the letters from the desk behind him, waving them in the air frantically. "It can do it again!"

"Yes, there is magic in her. She is a witch, a very powerful one as what I could see."

"She was in coma before, maybe she just needs to heal, to rest before she can come out of it."

"It's a possibility."

"What do you think happened? You said the potion wouldn't hurt her." George asked as he looked at the unconscious girl, witch.

"If I may, headmistress." A voice from besides them came. George head snapped back, while Fred finally tore his head away from Leah as he looked at the painting.

"Professor Dumbledore?" The twins asked in surprise.

"Mr. Weasleys." The old headmaster smiled. "I strongly believe Miss Derijker will wake up before morning. The surge of magic that we saw course through her body was strong, very strong. And since it's been dormant for decades it will take her a while to get control of it. I believe her body fell into a sort like coma so her body, her mind wouldn't be overwhelmed and crash." He turned to Minerva. "Minerva, do you have the book?"

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