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Fred Weasley Lives

Fred Weasley the fourth son of Arthur and Molly Weasley has risen from the death!
The 20-year-old died on May 2nd, during the battle of Hogwarts, being crushed by a wall. But now he is back amongst the living. We talked to the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, for more answers.

"The resurrection of Mr. Weasley is truly a miracle.
It is due to a blood scar, linked magic between him and a witch. Not much is known about the link, only a handful are recorded. We will probably never uncover the full story about what happened, we are just grateful to bring happiness and peace to at least one family who lost someone.
We will not include the name of the witch and we ask you to respect the privacy of the Weasley family."

Leah dropped the paper next to her on the couch, an old picture of Fred, smiled up at her. She barely escaped Fred and George at Diagon Alley over a week ago; she knew it was a risk, but she had to see him. See him out and about, laughing with his family. The last few days she received owls from George and Hermione. George wrote to her, begging her to come back, or to write back, anything. Hermione on the other hand, just kept her posted on what was happening. The small gathering of the twins' friends to celebrate Fred being back, how the twins were still giving their mum a cold shoulder. It was because of Hermione she knew Fred and George were going to be in Diagon Alley that day to buy his new wand, so she went in early and paid for it before placing herself on the familiar bench in front of the shop. Even though they kept writing her every couple of days, she hasn't written anyone back. It's been two weeks since Fred's return, two weeks since she talked to him and weeks on putting her focus on learning magic, trying not to think about him.

Between learning new spells, which went easier than she thought, she cleaned up her Nan's house, her house. Making it more liveable, more a home. Minerva was coming over to the house in a few days to connect the fireplace to the floo network, so she could travel easier since she couldn't apparate just yet. Minerva was the only one she had contact with, she was the only one who knew where she was. Every time Leah went into the town, she tried to disguise herself in case she stumbled upon a Weasley. But so far, she was lucky, only seeing the local villagers.

It surprised her that the twins didn't look for her here, maybe they forgot, or they thought the house was going to be sold, or maybe they actually didn't want to come find her. She shook her head and grabbed her potions book again. She knew she had to contact Hermione eventually to help her with Herbology, Potions and Arithmancy but she wasn't ready yet.
She walked to the kitchen reading her book as she put on a kettle of tea, when Pig, Ron's owl flew in. It chirped loudly as it landed on her shoulder, carrying a letter. She frowned as she took the letter of the tiny owl because Hermione and George had just sent a letter the day before. Pig hopped off from her shoulder and walked up and down the kitchen island, looking for food as she opened the letter. The note was short, and her eyes went wide as she saw who wrote to her.


Can we meet? I think we should talk.


She frowned at the short note, staring at it in disbelief. What should she do, should she go and meet her? What if she will just accuse her again. She took in a deep breath before writing a reply, her first reply aside from Minerva. She rolled the note back up and tied it to Pig's leg, not really thinking about waiting to send a reply. She broke of a piece of her sandwich and Pig nibbled on it before he flew out the window. She followed the tiny owl until it disappeared behind the tree line and looked back at her potions book.

George was sitting in the kitchen going over the bookings from the shop while his mum was preparing dinner, when Pig flew in through the kitchen window. Pig landed on the table in front of George. George looked up with a cocked eyebrow at the loud chirping of the bird.

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