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Interviewer: It was around this time you and Eddie got married, correct?

Kathryn Summers: [Laughs] Yeah... we didn't have a fairytale wedding... in fact neither of us can even remember that night.

Their Las Vegas show had finished a few hours ago. The band was all partying together. Kathryn had drank more alcohol than she ever had before, she was tripping on whatever pill Warren had given her.

Kathryn felt invincible, running off of the bus with Eddie, their lips attached to each others. Everyone was starting to wind down for the night, but for Kathryn and Eddie the night was still young.

Eddie was looking at her in a way he never had before, as if the world would explode if he blinked. Like if he took his eyes off of her for even a second she'd disappear. Eddie slid his arms around her waist in a way that felt an awful lot like possession. He kissed her like he wanted to keep her forever, and Kathryn already knew that she wanted that, too.

"Let's get married," Kathryn said, her hands resting on his cheeks. "Right now," she smiled.

"Right now?" Eddie asked, brows furrowed.

"We're in Las Vegas, baby," Kathryn giggled.

Eddie smiled, as if getting married before you were even dating was such a brilliant idea. "Okay, sure," he said, picking her up and spinning her around.

"What's going on out here?" Warren smiled, sipping on a beer, Graham and Karen joined them outside.

"We're getting married!" Kathryn exclaimed.

"Congratulations, you guys," Warren said. Karen and Graham exchanged a confused glance.

"Quick, go get dressed," Kathryn said, shooing the band away. "Oh my God! We need to buy rings and I need to buy a dress. We have so much to do, everyone chop chop," Kathryn clapped, running back onto the bus.

"Wait, are you getting married now?" Karen asked.

Eddie stumbled over his feet. "Yep, sure are," Eddie shrugged. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," Eddie said, pushing past the group and getting back on the bus.

Eddie was wearing a white suit he had packed. Daisy was fixing Kathryn's hair while Karen did her makeup. Kathryn slipped a pair of white heels on her feet and interlocked her arm with Eddie's.

They all hopped off the bus and headed over to Billy's bus. Kathryn slammed her fists against the door until he opened it.

"It's 4am, what are you guys doing?" Billy squinted down at them, all dressed up.

"Get dressed, i'm getting married," Kathryn said.

"You're what?!" Billy exclaimed.

"Hurry up," Kathryn said, walking away from him. Rod had quickly caught onto what was happening and he kicked everyone off of the bus, following after the band.

Rod and Billy walked behind them, talking about what a terrible idea this was. "I should talk some sense into them," Billy sighed, stuffing his hands inside his jeans.

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