VOLUME 10 Chapter 6

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As their food arrives, Bahamut starts digging in. Sipping on the ramen and eating up the beef. The General on the other hand just leaves her alone and to his surprise, Elizabeth wasn't annoyed by her decorum as she ate slowly and methodically tore apart the crab she ordered. Alana on the other hand just politely took her food with the General and ate.

"Oh, M'Lord. Did you know Zavalda uses concrete that mimics the ones that the Kingdom of Rose uses?"

"Really? What concrete do you guys use? It felt really durable when I was walking inside your buildings."

"It's called Self Healing Concrete, M'Lord and it can only be found in our Kingdom. We use the volcanic ash to make them have the ability to self reconstruct after a period of time."

"I didn't even know Zavalda has concrete like that. But that's new info for me. Does that mean their buildings can reheal? That might come in handy if fighting ever returns here."

"Ahhhhh... when I visited the museum. It said it's only used on countryside roads."

"That is pretty understandable. Back in Tur, many player Guilds just leave the countryside to dirt roads that can be repaved by magic later on. It's pretty damn hard to make sure concrete or stone roads stay as is when there's constant wars and beasts going about the forest day by day."

"I'm surprised more by your space technology, M'Lord. The Saturn Five or as it was called?"

"Oh, the Mark One. Yeah, the Space guys really went over the top there. I think it was destroyed in a terrorist attack but I personally don't believe it. The Astro mages just wanted an excuse for their poor performance after all the resources the guilds gave them."

"Well... it did say it was disputed, M'Lord."

"I'm saying it did happen, but you'll never know. With magic, so many things can be done but also be abused. That's why it's always recommended to level up your resistances to it."

"I also saw photos of your world, M'Lord. I find it truly impressive to see so many humans in such densely populated areas. You truly do live in a world like this. Do you miss being back in those cities?"

"It's a mix for me, Alana." as the man ate his fish, he wiped his mouth with a tissue and pulled down his jacket and rims his collar. "I do miss it but at the same time, this place... it's so much more wonderful and truly fantastical. Here, I am not just some corporate guy. I can be someone names will remember, be put in history books for fighting the good fight... yet..."

"Hmph. Such is your luck, M'Lord."

"You don't have to tell me... but what makes me want to go back there is not really the life I used to lead. Believe me, it's not something as amazing as adventuring around with Vampires and a Dragon. It's mundane and boring. It's my parents, my brother, uncles, aunties and my grandpa and grandma. That's why I have to return to that life, so that I can be with them."

"My Lord, when you return. Promise me one thing."


"That you enjoy the rest of your life."

"Heh. Thank you Elizabeth."

"But M'Lord, don't forget to never be yourself. You're a far more different man than you were before."

"Don't worry, the influences you all gave me will be sure to stay till my last breath."

After filling their stomach with Chinese food. Alana stops the General and points her finger at a Music Shop.

"Oh, you wanted to buy a guitar right?"

"Hm hm."

"Okay then. Let's see if anything is up to your taste."

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