Chapter XXXVII

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March 111 AC

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March 111 AC

The pain...oh sweet merciful gods the pain...

Aurelia had awoken that morning with her sheets wet between her legs and upon seeing it, Liane had run to fetch one of the Maesters, while Keira started preparing the tent.

The maester had come as fast as his stiff legs had allowed but by the time he had arrived, the contractions had already begun.

He had attempted to kick everyone out of the tent, but she hadn't allowed him to do so. In the reprieve between her pains, she managed to make her wishes clear. Keira would be in charge. He'd defer to her judgement.

A few hours later, the pain had not abated and she dearly wished she had a potion to help relieve it, but alas there were no potions she could drink so she would have to persevere. She remembered being told that walking could help the labor progress, so that was what she had done, leaning against Daemon when the contractions hit. And, what a surprise that was.

She had assumed he would have gone riding on Caraxes to burn some of the Crabfeeder's soldiers when he heard she had gone into labor, but instead he'd barged on to her tent, asking how he could be useful. And despite everything, she welcomed his presence.

"Daemon," Keira's voice brought her out from her thoughts. "She's nearly there. I'd advise you to leave now."

Daemon tensed behind her, silently asking her and she shook her head. "I'm staying."

"Have it your way," Keira scoffed. "Now, Aurelia, when the next contraction hits, I want you to push. I'd advise you to stand up again, it could help the babe come faster."

She nodded, glad it was finally going to be over. She locked her arms around Daemon's as he helped her up, before leaning against him as Keira placed herself beneath her, ready to catch the babe.

She pushed as she felt pain come again, being encouraged by Keira until there was a small cry. "It's a girl."

"Alyssa," Aurelia breathed, leaning her head against Daemon's shoulders. "Give her to Daemon and I'll lay down until the afterbirth comes," she ordered, already feeling all the emotions that came with a new babe.

Carefully, Daemon helped her sit back down, before leaving to see their daughter with a kiss to her forehead.

"It seems as if with the next pain, you could push, Aurelia," Keira instructed and she nodded. "Wait! Wait! Don't push again."

A surge of alarm went through her. "What's wrong?"

"I'm seeing a face," Keira murmured. "You're having twins and this one is coming face first."

"What does that mean?" Daemon asked from the other side of the tent, their newborn daughter in his arms.

"It's more dangerous," Aurelia huffed, breathing through a contraction. "Babes are supposed to come with their heads first. Can you turn him?"

"You're far too advanced to try it," the Volantene woman answered. "Push only when I tell you to, alright?"

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