chapter thirteen. thin walls

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┏━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━┓seasom one | episode four Summer Heat ┗━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━┛

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seasom one | episode four
Summer Heat

It was Jesper's idea to turn the guest bedroom into a hotbox, an idea the Young siblings were easily convinced off. The scent of weed clung to the air when Daphne pulled herself off the floor, lightly coughing when they hear a knock on the door. Jesper is the first one on his feet, ready to jump out of the window. "It's just Belly," Malia opens the door while Jesper opens the window, letting the smoke out. "Guys! What the hell, my mom wants my dad and his new girlfriend to sleep in her. The room can't smell like weed when they get here," Belly complains but Ash pulls out a Hello Kitty spray bottle from her backpocket and Daphne has to swallow back her laughter.

"Don't worry about that Bells," Jesper is still climbing through the window, why? No one knows as the rest follow after him, everyone but Belly and Daphne. "You smoked weed with them?" Belly starts making up the bed as Daphne sits on the sofa, watching her. She didn't fold the corners properly and a part of Daphne wanted to slap her hands away and do it herself. "No, I just have a little contact high," she pulls her lips into a straight line that nearly resembles a smile, knowing her fake smile won't work on Belly.

She's seen her way through it ever since they were kids, Daphne remembers a day when they were six and seven and at the beach when jellyfish stung her. Their moms, brothers and sisters were too far away. They couldn't find anyone and all Daphne could do was comfort Belly, although she was the one in pain. She gave Belly a fake cheery smile, told her everything was fine but Belly saw through her act, saw the fear and sadness behind her eyes. She broke down Daphne's walls and it wasn't long until both girls were sobbing, gaining the attention of Steven and Conrad who were trying to find treasure on the beach. They picked Daphne up and took her to the moms who told her everything would be alright and she calmed down a little, not really because of the promises of safety but because Belly was at her side, holding her hand. She wasn't scared when Belly was holding her hand.

"Don't tell my mom, your mom or Susannah," she doesn't look at Belly when she guides her to folding the corners properly. "Believe me, that's the last thing on my mind right now," Daphne knew what the first thing was, her dad bringing his new girlfriend to the house, their house. The thought kind of gave her a bad feeling in her gut. It was the summer house, it was for family, not random hookups but she wanted to be there for Belly. "Let's cross our fingers and hope they don't do anything. Thin walls," she knocks on the wall that blocks this room for Belly's room, a cheeky smile on her lips. "God, don't put that picture in my head," Belly pauses for a moment. "I bet she's a total bitch,"

"I bet she isn't, I bet she's a nice woman with goals and ambition for her future—" Daphne stops when she sees the look on Belly's face. "You're right, she's probably a bitch who just wants to date your dad so she can date a dilf,"

"Ew, please never call my dad that again. It's like if I called your stepdad hot, how would you feel?" Daphne shrugs and mumbles fair enough under her breath. Her stepfather has already gotten here, when he saw her this morning he was with James in the kitchen. James was blending his pizza or something and his dad was too busy to notice. "Honey, don't drink that. You can't keep drinking blended food," Natasha warned but James always seems to be hard of hearing. "No, let him die," Daphne walked past him and he stuck his middle finger out to her, of course he only heard that.

"I'm sorry about your dad. I've been wanting to say that for the longest time," Daphne pauses, trying not to hold on too tightly to the white sheet. "Don't be, I'm not," her father had promised them last summer that he would join them but a business trip or a mission held him back. Daphne's dad, her real dad, Carlos Swan, had an important job. He was a behavioural analyst at the FBI which meant he was away for work a lot but she tried not to hold it against him. For every hour he was away from her, he could spend it saving a life and she respected that. She smiles at Belly for just saying it and then a car honk outside scares then apart. "The bitch is here,"

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