Caught: Chapter 6

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'Lyla! Oh my god are you ok?!'

'It's ok baby, I'm right here, just tell me who took you'

'Please baby, I won't think your lying'

'Lyla? Are you ok?? Me and your father are so worried! Please let me know something'

'I love you so so much my baby girl, please tell me who did this!'


'Oh god, did he take the phone?!'

'Let my daughter go! Please! I'll give you whatever you want'

'I will give you money, just tell me how much. I'll give you the car, house, whatever just don't hurt my daughter!'

'Please just let me know something'

'I'll do anything!'

'Lyla??? Are you here or is it YOU who took my daughter ??'

'Someone just please let my know something'


'Oh my goodness I didn't mean to call!!'

'Did he hear the phone??'

'This is all my fault!! I'm so sorry baby girl'

'I shouldn't of ever left, I knew you were to young for me to leave you alone!'

'Please forgive me'

'I promise I will get you back, if I have to loose everything'

'I will get you back, baby girl'

'I love you Lyla, please God let you be ok'

'It's been hours..... please, anyone just let me know something!'

'I can have 100k cash right now. Or more if need be, just please let my daughter go!'

'Please someone, anyone, text me'

'Lyla this is your father. I don't know if you'll see this message but if you do please give us a sign, even just a random letter, just send anything. Your mother is worried to death, as am I. I love you'

'Lyla please'

'Come on, I know your a strong girl, just send anything if you can'

'Lyla it's mom!! The police are going to track this phone to you!!!'

'Don't worry baby girl, we are going to get you back!'

'And I'm never going to leave you alone again'

'Everything is going to be ok'

'Lyla, baby talk to me!'

'Your going to be ok. I promise'

'We're going to catch that evil man and put him behind bars for the rest of his days. I promise'


'I promise not much longer'

'You'll be back home before you know it, just stay strong!!'

'Come on baby, text me back' 

Lyla's eyes went wide when reading all of the messages and she quickly began typing.

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