Searching: Chapter 10

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Sam and Dean were currently in the bunker, searching for new cases. Their focus was suddenly interrupted when the sound of fluttering wings caught their attention. They looked up to find Castiel appearing next to their table.

Dean, who had been eagerly awaiting Castiel's return, sat up straight with anticipation. "What's the word, Cas?" Dean inquired, eager for any news.

Castiel sighed, that alone already dampening Sam and Dean's spirits. "There is no new information about Lucifer's current whereabouts."

"Great," Dean slouched back in his seat, cracking open a bottle of beer and taking a swig.

"Heaven is searching, but they haven't had any luck locating him," Castiel explained as he joined them at the table. "I don't think they're putting forth their best effort. They're hesitant, even with Lucifer's diminished power."

"It's their fault he got away in the first place. If they hadn't tried to stop us during the extraction, he wouldn't be roaming free right now, up to who knows what," Dean grumbled.

"I understand your frustration, Dean. But Naomi thought-" Castiel began.

"Yeah, Cas, we know. She thought they could 'use the grace of an archangel' to replenish Heaven's ranks," Dean rolled his eyes at the memory. "She should've known Lucifer wouldn't go for that. I mean, come on, it's Lucifer."

"Heaven is running low on angels. They need them to keep Heaven functioning. And if enlisting Lucifer's help is the only way, then-" Castiel tried to reason.

"Guys," Sam interjected, not wanting to get caught in another argument. "Arguing won't help us find him any sooner."

"If they had just left us alone-" Dean continued.

"Dean," Sam cut him off.

"Fine," Dean raised his hands in surrender. "Whatever."

Sam shook his head, then turned to Castiel. "Cas, you mentioned there's no news about his current location. Does that mean you know where he was?"

"Yes. He was in downtown Iowa City, but we don't know where he went from there," Castiel disclosed.

Sam and Dean exchanged glances, and Dean wasted no time, immediately getting up and heading toward the door. "Then let's go find out."

~~~~~~Almost seven hours later~~~~~~~

Sam, Dean, and Castiel finally arrived at the last known location of Lucifer after a long drive in the Impala from the bunker in Kansas. Exhaustion had begun to settle in as it was already 9 p.m., and the brothers were tired from the extended journey. Castiel, being an angel, remained unaffected, his lack of need for sleep serving as a perk.

"Is this the place?" Dean inquired, peering out the window at the motel building as he parked in the large parking lot.

"Yes. Lucifer stayed in a room here, Room 66, I believe," Castiel replied in his usual monotone voice, also observing the establishment from the backseat.

"I don't understand. Why would Lucifer need to stay at a motel?" Sam questioned, squinting his eyes at the building.

"We extracted a good amount of grace from him. Maybe he needed to rest," Dean suggested, opening the car door and stepping out after parking in a spot close to the motel's entrance.

"Yeah, but why not go to one of his demons' hideouts or something? Why choose a place like this?" Sam pondered.

"Who cares?" Dean shrugged, grabbing his keys. "At least we know he was here."

Sam didn't appear entirely convinced but conceded, "Yeah, I guess."

Fortunately, they managed to get the same room Lucifer had stayed in. Dean opened the door, flicked on the light, and dropped his bag as he surveyed the room. Sam and Castiel followed him inside.

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