Consequence: Chapter 7

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Lyla couldn't help but doze off, her heavy eyes closing on their own in the silent and soothing sound of the engine as they went down the road. No matter how hard she tried, she kept drifting off. Finally she welcomed sleep, well only because she couldn't avoid it any longer.

She just hoped L wouldn't be anymore upset with her if she closed her eyes and rested, at least for a little bit.


It's been 2 hours since L left the motel. 2 hours since he caught Lyla with a phone, 2 hours since he's heard a peep out of the little brat.

Unfortunately for Lyla, L was still the same level of pissed he was since they first left. He hasn't calmed down any, if anything he was slowly getting more irritated and pissed off.

He should've known she would do something like that. Why didn't he watch her go to the bathroom? Of course the first chance she got she would've pulled a thing like that. It's so obvious.

'That sneaky little brat.' He thought to his self, growling and gripping the stirring wheel tighter, speeding above the speed limit.

He didn't even know where he was going, he's just been driving, not really paying attention where to. Well he guesses it doesn't matter anyway, concerning there's not a particular place he had in mind of going to in the first place.

But what makes matters worse about this whole thing, is he's tired. FRICKEN TIRED. He knew it was because of using some of his powers, AGIAN for the second time in the last 48 hours.

He's never going to get back to full strength if he keeps doing that, and that's ticking him off too. The only reason he used his powers in the first place was because of Lyla. Why? Because he wanted to teach her a lesson about how she talked to him. Does he regret it? Hell no.

He enjoyed putting her over his lap and spanking her bottom. He enjoyed the fear, the pain, and the struggle he caused for her. What made it more enjoyable, is considering how she responded and acted to it, he knew she's never been punished like that before, and he filled with pride that he got to be the first to make her experience it.

He knew if he kept her around then there would be another time that he would need to punish her, seeing how much of a brat she was. It was only a matter of time. He just didn't except it to be this soon and under these circumstances.

But oh boy is she going to wish she never took that phone. He'll make sure of that.

~~~~~~Little bit later~~~~~~~~

Lyla stirred awake when she felt the car roughly jerk to a stop and opened her eyes to see what happened. She seen they had stopped on the side of the road next to a huge field. It looked like there was nothing around there, the only thing being the road. She could tell it was a road that not many people would be coming down, and that scarred her.

L knew she was awake, and he got out of the car without a word, shutting his door behind him. She watched in confusion and fear as he walked around the car to her side. She began to get real nervous and scooted away from the door.

L opened her door and reached in and unbuckled her seatbelt, then grabbed her arm and began to pull her out.

"No! No please I'll be good, I'll be good!" She panicked and grabbed ahold of anything she could to keep her from being pulled out, it so happened to the the stirring wheel. She grabbed it tightly with her left hand and didn't let go.

But she lost her gripping when L pulled harder, making her let go of it. He pulled her the rest of the way out of the car and shut her door.

She began to cry, afraid of what he was gonna do, and tried to get out of his grip. L ignored her as he opened the back door and got in, pulling her with him. "No no please" she cried, trying to pull away out of the car. But that didn't help. He was way stronger then her. "No please" she repeated as he successfully got her into the backseat with him.

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