Hello Brother: Chapter 11

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The waiter cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Alright, just coffee for you then. I'll be right back with your drinks," he said, trying to hide his unease.

As the waiter walked away, Sam leaned in closer to Castiel. "Cas, you know you can order something to eat if you want. You don't have to reject everything."

Castiel tilted his head, contemplating Sam's words. "I don't require sustenance like humans do. Consuming food is not necessary for me."

Dean chimed in, smirking mischievously. "Yeah, well, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a good plate of pancakes once in a while."

Castiel gave Dean a puzzled look, not understanding the reference. "Pancakes?"

Sam chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't worry about it, Cas. Let's stick with coffee for now."

Their drinks arrived, and the waiter took their orders. Sam opted for a classic breakfast combo, while Dean chose a stack of pancakes with bacon on the side.

As they waited for their food, the atmosphere at the table grew tense. Sam was lost in thought, contemplating their next move in tracking down Lucifer and his mysterious human accomplice. Dean tapped his fingers impatiently on the table, eager to dive into his meal.

Castiel, ever observant, noticed the change in their demeanor. "What's troubling you, Sam?" he asked, his piercing blue eyes focused on his friend.

Sam sighed, his gaze fixed on the table. "I can't help but wonder who this human is and why they're with Lucifer. It doesn't make sense."

Dean grumbled, taking a sip of his coffee. "Well, we'll just have to find out, won't we? We can't let Lucifer roam free, especially if he's got someone with him."

Just then, their food arrived, steaming hot and tantalizing. The aroma filled the air, momentarily distracting them from their concerns. They eagerly dug into their meals, hunger and determination fueling their actions.

As they ate, the three of them discussed possible strategies for tracking down Lucifer and confronting him. They knew they had to act swiftly and decisively, leaving no room for the devil to cause further chaos.

Once they finished eating, Sam, Dean, and Castiel left the iHop, ready to resume their hunt. The day was still young, and they had a lead to follow.

As they headed back to the Impala, Castiel suddenly stopped, a troubled expression on his face. Sam and Dean could tell something was wrong. The brothers shared a look before Dean turned and asked "What is it, Cas?"

Castiel looked at them with a serious gaze before speaking. "Something has happened. Lucifer has killed one of our brothers."

"What? How do you know that?" Sam asked, his confusion evident.

"Through the angel radio. He reached out just before Lucifer killed him," Castiel replied, his eyes wide. "I know where he is."

~~~~~~Few hours EARLIER~~~~~~~~~~

Lyla sat there, utterly bored for the hundredth time in the past couple of days. She had nothing to do but watch the world outside pass by. If L wasn't going to kill her, the boredom definitely would. She hated being bored—being away from home, being without her phone, just hating every aspect of this situation.

She wished she had paid more attention to her surroundings on the day she bumped into L. If only she had looked up from her phone and been more aware, none of this would have happened. She would still be at home, surrounded by friends and family. She would even prefer being at school then in this situation, which says a lot since she despised school.

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